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Kelompok Keahlian
Teknologi Pengelolaan Lingkungan

The Environmental Management and Technology / (EMT) Research Group was established in 2006 as a result of a merger between the groups of Environmental Management and Environmental Health.

The group’s vision is to become a world leader institution in the field of Environmental Management and Technology, especially for tropical countries and its mission is to contribute in the development of Environmental Engineering and Management through highly qualified and innovative education systems, distinction research, and intensified community services. This research group responds appropriately to global and local challenges in the field of environmental management and technology based on the available resources found in tropical countries. EMT is ready to collaborate with institutions around the globe to bring Indonesia to be a prosperous country through sustainable development strategies.

The EMT scope of knowledge is dynamic to respond the vast growing environmental problems and rapid changes of the society. In such case, the EMT concerns with, such as the  current global environmental issues such as energy and climate change issues that  already affect our local environment and the community. Therefore, at least the scope of knowledge should  at least keep pace with the advancement of science and technologies  on new development of  environmental infrastructure , rapid rise of risks on environmental health risks  assessment, consumption of natural resources and energy, and  of human activities in producing pollutant. In a systematic way, the scope of knowledge basically is divided into two major aspects; these are ,i.e., quality management system, and human reaction responses.

Riset Unggulan

Beberapa contoh proyek-proyek penelitian utama adalah

  • Simulation of Markov – Discrete Stochastic Model in Jatigede Reservoir in order to Fulfill Downstream Raw Water Needs
  • Parameter Elimination of Parasite Worm Eggs in Utilization of WWTP Sludge and FSTP Sludge as Fertilizer
  • Sanitation Vulnerability Assessment of Indigenous Communities in the Kasepuhan Ciptagelar Area
  • Development of Water Quality Data Management System in an Effort to Improve the Quality of Environmental Health
  • Pollutant Identification of Non-PDAM Clean Water Sources in the Upper Citarum Watershed for Public Health Risk Assessment
  • Identification of Pollutants and Effects for Batik Craftsmen Health and Management of Work Environment in the Batik Industry in Creating a Healthy Batik Villag
  • Mapping of Mercury’s Impact on the Environment and Community Health around the Mining Site
  • Water Security, Sustainability, Resilience, and Safety
  • Socio-technological Solutions for Water Security Challenges in Urban and Post-disaster Areas
  • Study of Water Reused Quality in Water-Food Nexus for supporting Water and Food Security
  • Determination Study of Water Resources Vulnerability Index for Climate Variability in the Upper Citarum Watershed, West Java
  • Study of Potential Planned and Unplanned Domestic Wastewater Reuse for Pollutant Load Reduction and WQ Management in Urban Area
  • Assessment of River Water Quality as Water Resources using Biological Methods
  • Markov Discrete Model of Quantity – Quality of Water for Hydroelectric Exploitation of Saguling Reservoir
  • Analysis and Evaluation of Work Accidents in Industry in Increasing Productivity and Work Safety

Roadmap Kelompok Keahlian

Field of Interest

Staf Akademik

Prof. Barti Setiani


Research Interest

Environmental biology and microbiology

Prof. Dr.Ir. Arwin, MS


Research Interest

Water Resource Management and Conservation.

Dr. Ir. Dwina Roosmini, MS


Research Interest

Water Health and Sustainable Development, River Water Quality Monitoring,  Environmental Toxicology (wastewater treatment plant evaluation),  and  Health Risk Assessment

Ir. Indah Rachmatiah Siti Salami, M.Sc., Ph.D.


Research Interest

Water Quality, Aquaculture, Environmental Risk Assessment, Environmental Toxicology, Environmental Monitoring, Health Risk Assessment, Heavy Metals, Environmental Pollution

Dr. Ir. Katharina Oginawati, MS


Research Interest

Environmental risk analysis, Environmental health risk assessment, Toxicology of heavy metals, pesticides and other xenobiotics, cleaner production, Life cycle analysis, Environmental management system

Dr. Herto Dwi Ariesyady, ST., MT.


Research Interest

Environmental Microbiology & Biotechnology, Environmental Health and Toxicology, Microbiological Waste Water Treatment, Water Quality Management, Environmental Management System.

Ir. Arief Sudradjat, ST, MIS, PhD


Research Interest

Water security encompassing urban, rural, environmental, economic, and water-related disaster components; risk-based integrated water resources management; environmental systems and management; environmental resilience and sustainability; safe water and sanitation and hygiene framework

Suharyanto, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D


Research Interest

Water Management & Conservation, Occupational Health & Safety, Community Involvement & Development.

Mayrina Firdayati, S.Si., MT.


Research Interest

Environmental Management, Water Quality, Water-food-energy Nexus, Biological Parameter/Indicator of Environmental Pollution, Cleaner Production.

Dr. Nurul Chazanah, MT


Research Interest

Bio-assessment for Water Quality

Dr. Anindrya Nastiti, ST., MT., Ph.D


Research Interest

Environment & Behavior, Environmental Governance

Dr. Ir. Mariana Marselina, ST., MT


Research Interest

Water Resource Management and Conservation, Water Quality

Ir. Suci Wulandari, ST., MPSDA., IPM


Research Interest

Management of water resources and conservation, provision of clean water and drinking water.

Septian Hadi Susetyo, ST., MT.


Research Interest

Occupational health and Safety, Environmental Health and Toxicology, Environmental risk assessment

Peni Astrini Notodarmojo, S.Si., M.Si.


Research Interest

Microbiology, Anaerobic digestion, Environmental health


Gedung Labtek IX-C Lantai 4 
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung

Telp. 022-2502647