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Kuliah Umum: Offshore Steel Wellhead Platform: Introduction and Basic Concept:

No. Waktu Acara Pembicara


14:00 – 14:10 Pembukaan Ir. Iswandi Imran, MA.Sc., Ph.D


14:10 – 14:15 Pembacaan CV Presenter Ir. Iswandi Imran, MA.Sc., Ph.D
3. 14:15 – 16:00 “Offshore Steel Wellhead Platform: Introduction and Basic Consept”Sub sections:

  1. Introduction of Offshore Platform: History Design, Fabrication, Installation and Drilling
  2. Galvanic Corrosion
  3. Metocean Loads, Tides, Winds, Current and Wave Loads.
Ir. Wisnu Mustapha
4. 16:00 – 16:05 Pemberian Plakat dari Prodi teknik sipil Ir. Iswandi Imran, MA.Sc., Ph.D
5. 16:05 – 16:10 Pemberian Plakat dari Kuya OG Wakil KuyaOG
6. 16:10 – 16: 20 Pengisian Questionnaire Form Peserta
7. 16:20 – 16:25 Photo Bersama Team Dokumentasi dari HMS
8. 16:25 – 16: 30 Penutupan Ir. Iswandi Imran, MA.Sc., Ph.D