Dr. Qomarudin Helmy, S.Si., MT.
Research Interests
Wastewater treatment; Bioprocess; Biotechnology; Bioremediation; Biosurfactant
Email : [at]tl.itb.ac.id
- 2020: Institute of Technology Bandung, Engineer in Environmental Engineering. The Study Program of Engineer Profession Program
- 2010: Institute of Technology Bandung, Doctor in Environmental Engineering. The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 2006: Institute of Technology Bandung, M.T in Environmental Engineering. The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 2001: Sriwijaya University, B.Sc in Biology. The Faculty of Mathematic and Basic Science
- 2021 IWK Suryawan, IY Septiariva, Q Helmy, S Notodarmojo, M Wulandari, NK Sari, A Sarwono, R Pratiwi, J-W Lim: Comparison of Ozone Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment Hybrid with Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor in Removal of Remazol Black 5. Int. J. of Technology (Accepted)
- 2021 IWK Suryawan, Q Helmy, S Notodarmojo, R Pratiwi, IY Septiariva. Textile Dye Reactive Black 5 (RB5) Bio-Sorption with Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor and Activated Sludge. Indonesian J. of Env. Man. and Sus. 5 (2), 67-71
- 2021 L Fitriyani, E Kardena, Q Helmy: Optimization Approach for Solvent Extraction Process of Oily Contaminated Soil with Addition of Biosurfactant. J of Korean Society of Env. Eng. 43 (2): 117-127
- 2021 LA Devianto, N Dewi, Q Helmy, M Chaerul: Faecal sludge treatment facility site selection using GIS-based multi-criteria analysis and AHP_ Case study of Bogor Regency. IOP Conf. Ser: Earth and Env. Sci. 733, 012150
- 2021 S Gustiani, W Septiani, C Kasipah, D Sukardan, Q Helmy: Antimicrobial Effect of Piper betle Leaves Extract on Cotton Fabrics for Vaginal Discharge Sanitary Napkins. Advanced Materials Research. 1162: 159-165
- 2020 E Kardena, Y Panha, Q Helmy, and S Hidayat: Application of Mercury Resistant Bacteria Isolated from Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Tailings in Biotransformation of Mercury (II)-Contaminated Soil. Int. J. Geomate. 19(71): 106-114
- 2020 Helmy, Q., Gustiani, S., Mustikawati, A.T. Application of rhamnolipid biosurfactant for bio-detergent formulation. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mat. Sci. Eng., 2020, 823(1), 012014
- 2020 Devianto, L.A., Latunussa, C.E.L., Helmy, Q., Kardena, E. Biosurfactants production using glucose and molasses as carbon sources by Azotobacter vinelandii and soil washing application in hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth and Env. Sci., 2020, 475(1), 012075
- 2020 Mentari, O.D.N., Helmy, Q., and Kardena, E: Sulfide removal using immobilized living cell in alginate matrices in anaerobic condition. E3S Web of Conf. 148, 05008
- 2020 Arifianingsih, N.N., Zevi, Y., Helmy, Q., Notodarmojo, S., Fujita, H., Shimayama, Y and Kirihara, M: Peat water treatment using oxidation and physical filtration system and its performance in reducing iron (Fe), turbidity, and color. E3S Web of Conf. 148, 07011
- 2020 Suryawan, I.W.K., Helmy, Q., Notodarmojo, S: Laboratory scale ozone-based post-treatment from textile wastewater treatment plant effluent for water reuse. J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 1456, 012002
- 2019 Q Helmy and S Notodarmojo: Improvement of the raw drinking water quality from shallow well by ozone treatment. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 620 012052
- 2019 YR Widyawati, S Notodarmojo, S Hidayat, Q Helmy: Removal of Hexavalent Chromium from Raw Drinking Water by Zeolite-FeO Composite Supported Carbon: Case Study Citarum River. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 536 012067
- 2019 NI Wantoputri, S Notodarmojo, Q Helmy: Reactive Black-5 Removal by Ozonation as Post Treatment. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 536 012069
- 2019 R Leapheng, A J Effendi, and Q Helmy: Potential of Soil Amendments and Jatropha Curcas Plant in the Remediation of Heavy Metals Contaminated Agricultural Land. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 536 012065
- 2019 IY Septiariva, T Padmi, E Damanhuri, and Q Helmy: A study on municipal leachate treatment through a combination of biological processes and ozonation. MATEC Web of Conf. 276, 06030
- 2019 W Aditya, S Notodarmodjo, Q Helmy: Decolorization of Reactive black-5 Dye by UV based photocatalytic with immobilized ZnO nanoparticles onto ceramic plate surface. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 536 012068
- 2019 A Adnan, S Notodarmodjo, Q Helmy: Arsenic removal in groundwater by UV based photocatalysis with immobilized ZnO-nanoparticle on ceramic plate. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 536 012075
- 2019 YF Rusmana, S Notodarmojo, Q Helmy: Arsenic removal in groundwater by integrated ozonation and adsorption by activated carbon and zeolite. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 536 012073