Ir. Rani G. Kusumawardhani, Ph.D
Research Interests
- Construction Engineering
- Construction Industry Development and Disaster Mitigation
- Developments of New Construction Material with Proposed Method in Nanotechnology
- Development of Material Technology in Construction
Construction material, construction method, material technology, nanomaterial, sustainability material, mitigation
Email : [at]si.itb.ac.id
- 1997 – S1 Civil Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
- 2001 – S2 Civil Engineering/Structural, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA
- 2016 – S3 Civil Engineering/Construction Material, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, USA
- Grant Award from Portland Cement Association Education Foundation (PCAEF) on research “Engineering of Nano C-S-H Seed to Enhance Structure and Performance of Cementitious Materials” (August 2015). University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
- UW-Milwaukee Chancellor’s Awards Recipient (Fall 2015). University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
- Pembicara webinar Hari Bangunan Indonesia, Indocement & ITB: Kelincahan Dunia Konstruksi menghadapai Era New Normal dalam perspektif Bisnis, Manufaktur dan Teknologi
- (2011 – 2012) Anggota – American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Member #: 101349, January 12, 2011, USA
- (2012 – 2014) Anggota Pengamat, Kementerian PU, Dir. Jen Bina Marga Direktorat Bina Program, Indonesia
- (2014 – 2016) Anggota – Member of American Concrete Institute, USA. Voting member of Committee 241: Nanotechnology of concrete
- Krishna S Pribadi, Rani G Pradoto, Eliya A Hanafi, I Made Adhi Bayu Rasmawan, 2020, “Lombok Earthquake, One Year Later: Housing Sector Recovery” Proceeding E3S Web of Conferences, Vol 156.
- Rani G.K.Pradoto, Belajar Konstruksi, Indocement Goes to Campus, 2020, “Kelincahan Dunia Konstruksi menghadapai Era New Normal dalam Perpektif Bisnis, Manufaktur dan Teknologi”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJOy2G5THkc: https://news.detik.com/adv-nhl-detikcom/d-5248792/tantangan-dunia-konstruksi-indonesia-di-era-new-normal
- Rani Pradoto, Eliza Puri, Tri Hadinata, Qinthara D. Rahman, 2020, “Improving Strength Of A Porous Asphalt: A Nano Material Experimental Approach”, Proceeding IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
- Rani Pradoto, Eliza Puri, Tri Hadinata, Qinthara D. Rahman, Ryan Muhammad Az-zucruf,2020, “Improving Strength Of A Porous Asphalt”, Jurnal JRS Unand, DOI: https://doi.org/10.25077/jrs.15.2.75-89.2019
- Reini D. Wirahadikusumah, Felix Adhiwira, Putra R. Catri, Rani Gayatri, Meifrinaldi, 2019, Tantangan Penerapan Alokasi Anggaran Biaya SMK3 pada Kontrak Konstruksi Proyek Beresiko Tinggi, Jurnal Teknik Sipil (JTS-ITB), ISSN: 0853-2982, Vol. 26 No. 1 (2019) hal 67-78
- Pradoto, S.T., M.Sc, Ph.d, Meifrinaldi, S.T., M.T., Felix Adhiwira W. S.T., M.T, 2019, “ Challenges of Implementing Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) Budgeting High-Risk Building Project” Buku 60 Tahun ITB Membangun negeri, LPPM-ITB, ISBN: 978-602-1221-07-05, http://www.lppm.itb.ac.id, hal 31-34,
- Konstantin Sobolev, Ismael Flores-Vivian, Rani GK Pradoto, Marina Kozhukhova, Vadim Potapov, 2018, ”The effect of natural SiO2 nanoparticles on the performance of portland cement based materials”, special publications
- Ismael Flores-Vivian, Rani GK Pradoto, Mohamadreza Moini, Marina Kozhukhova, Vadim Potapov, Konstantin Sobolev, 2017,” The effect of SiO 2 nanoparticles derived from hydrothermal solutions on the performance of portland cement based materials“ Jurnal Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 11(4), 436-445
- K Sobolev, Z Lin, I Flores‐Vivian, R Pradoto, 2016,”Nano‐Engineered Cements with Enhanced Mechanical Performance”, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 99 (2), 564-572
- R Pradoto, MR Moini, I Flores-Vivian, M Kozhukova, K Sobolev,, 2016, , “Fly Ash-Nano SiO2 Blends for Effective Application in Self-Consolidating Concrete”, 8th International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting Concrete, 299-308, Washington D.C, USA