Ir. Raden Driejana, MSCE., Ph.D
Research Interests
Air Quality Management (Air Quality), Climate Change, Monitoring & Modeling (Air Quality), Air Quality Valuation, Thermal Process
Air Pollution Control and Technology, Air Quality Management, Air Quality Monitoring & Modelling.
Email : [at]tl.itb.ac.id
- S1 : Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- S2 : Purdue University, USA
- S3 : The Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
- Indonesian Society of Sanitary and Environmental Engineers, 1997-now
- Kepala Laboratorium Kualitas Udara FTSL ITB (2016-2017)
- Ketua Program Magister PIAS ITB (2013-2015)
- Technical Manager of Air Quality Laboratory ITB, 2007 – Present
- Head of The Air Quality Laboratory ITB, 1996-2001
- Analyst of The Water Quality Laboratory ITB, 1978-1989
- Associate Professor, Environmental Engineering, ITB – Full Time
- Komite Ahli Penanganan Masalah Kesehatan Lingkungan (KOMLI), Kementerian Kesehatan, Sub-Komite Kualitas Udara dan Kesehatan (2020-2024)
- The Sustainable Infrastructure through the Construction Supply Chain Carbon Footprint Approach(2017)
- Identification of source factors of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in concreting of reinf(2015)
- Urban hybrid models for AiR pollution exposure Assessment (UDARA) (2019)