Ir. Sukandar, S.Si., MT., Ph.D
Research Interests
Physical-Chemical Process and Control (solid wastes), Thermal Process (solid wastes), Monitoring & Modeling (solid wastes)
Solid Waste Control & Technology, Solid Waste Management, Solid Waste Monitoring.
Email : [at]tl.itb.ac.id
- S1 : Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- S2 : Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- S3 : Okayama University, Jepang
- Consultation and Preparation of PROPER
- Evaluation of landfill Permit
- Member, Indonesian Society of Sanitary and Environmental Engineers, 2002-now
- E-waste recycling processes in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam: A case study of cathode ray (2016)
- The effect of ozonation process on bromide-containing groundwaters in bandung area and its surroundi(2012)
Previous Research
- Hazardous Waste Market Research in Banten Province/ Penelitian Pasar Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3) di Provinsi Banten (2020)
- Composting Process of Sludge From Dairy Industry’s Waste Water Treatment Plant. The 1st International Conference on Sustainbale Infrastructure and Built Environment in Developing Countries. ISBN 978-979-98278-2-1 .2009
- Hazardous Waste Generation and Composition of Private Dental practices (Case Study Bandung City). The 1st International Conference on Sustainbale Infrastructure and Built Environment in Developing Countries. ISBN 978-979-98278-2-1 .2009
- Preliminary Study of Noble Metal (Gold) Recovery Process from Electronic Waste (E-Waste) Components Conducted by The Informal Sector (case Study: City of Bandung). Environmental Technology and Management Conference 4th ETMC 2011 ,Bandung – lndonesia. ISBN 978-979-98278-3-8 . 2011
- Preliminary Study of Sandblasting Waste Utilization for AI & Fe Coagulant Based. Environmental Technology and Management Conference 4th ETMC 2011 ,Bandung – lndonesia. ISBN 978-979-98278-3-8 . 2011