Prof. Ir. Suprihanto Notodarmojo, Ph.D.
Research Interests
Water treatment, hydrology and environmental modeling, including estuary and ocean water quality modeling
Email : [at]tl.itb.ac.id
- 1991: the School of Environmental & Biological Sciences, Murdoch University, Australia.
- 1979: Institute of Technology Bandung, in Sanitary Engineering. The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning
- 2021 M Qadafi, S Notodarmojo, Y Zevi. Performance of microbubble ozonation on treated tropical peat water: Effects on THM4 and HAA5 precursor formation based on DOM hydrophobicity fractions. Chemosphere 279, 130642
- 2021 IWK Suryawan, Q Helmy, S Notodarmojo, R Pratiwi, IY Septiariva. Textile Dye Reactive Black 5 (RB5) Bio-Sorption with Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor and Activated Sludge. Indonesian J. of Env. Man. and Sus. 5 (2), 67-71
- 2021 M Qadafi, S Notodarmojo, Y Zevi. Haloacetic Acids Formation Potential of Tropical Peat Water DOM Fractions and Its Correlation with Spectral Parameters. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 232 (8), 1-12
- 2021 E Wardhani, D Roosmini, S Notodarmojo. Calculation of heavy metals pollution load enters to Saguling dam West Java Province. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 802 (1), 012032
- 2021 E Wardhani, D Roosmini, S Notodarmojo. Assessment of cadmium concentration, bioavailability, and toxicity in sediments from Saguling reservoir, West Java Province. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 802 (1), 012031
- 2021 M Kurniawati, NJ Azhari, GTM Kadja, RR Mukti, S Notodarmojo. Conversion of coal fly ash into advanced crystalline materials. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 623 (1), 012040
- 2020 RP Wibisono, PH Rusmin, S Notodarmojo. Optimization Coagulation Process of Water Treatment Plant Using Neural Network and Internet of Things (IoT) Communication. 3rd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI)
- 2020 M Qadafi, S Notodarmojo, Y Zevi. Effects of microbubble pre-ozonation time and pH on trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids formation in pilot-scale tropical peat water treatments for drinking water purposes. Science of The Total Environment 747, 141540
- 2020 RR Utami, GW Geerling, IRS Salami, S Notodarmojo, AMJ Ragas. Environmental prioritization of pesticide in the Upper Citarum River Basin, Indonesia, using predicted and measured concentrations. Science of the Total Environment 738, 140130
- 2020 Arifianingsih, N.N., Zevi, Y., Helmy, Q., Notodarmojo, S., Fujita, H., Shimayama, Y and Kirihara, M: Peat water treatment using oxidation and physical filtration system and its performance in reducing iron (Fe), turbidity, and color. E3S Web of Conf. 148, 07011
- 2020 Suryawan, I.W.K., Helmy, Q., Notodarmojo, S: Laboratory scale ozone-based post-treatment from textile wastewater treatment plant effluent for water reuse. J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 1456, 012002
- 2020 Mohamad Rangga Sururi, Suprihanto Notodarmojo, Dwina Roosmini, Prama Setia Putra, Yusuf Eka Maulana, Mila Dirgawati. An Investigation of a Conventional Water Treatment Plant in Reducing Dissolved Organic Matter and Trihalomethane Formation Potential from a Tropical River Water Source. Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 52 (2)
- 2020 M Qadafi, S Notodarmojo, Y Zevi, YE Maulana. Trihalomethane and haloacetic acid formation potential of tropical peat water: effect of tidal and seasonal variations. International Journal 18 (66), 111-117
- 2020 RR Utami, G Geerling, IRS Salami, S Notodarmojo, AMJ Ragas. Agricultural Pesticide Use in the Upper Citarum River Basin, West Java, Indonesia. Authorea Preprints
- 2020 RR Utami, GW Geerling, IRS Salami, S Notodarmojo, AMJ Ragas. AGRICULTURAL PESTICIDE USE IN THE UPPER CITARUM RIVER BASIN: BASIC DATA FOR MODEL-BASED RISK MANAGEMENT. Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 3 (2), 3
- 2020 RR Utami, GW Geerling, IRS Salami, S Notodarmojo, AMJ Ragas. Pesticide use data for emission modelling: A case study on the Upper Citarum River Basin. E3S Web of Conferences 211
- 2020 DR Wulan, S Notodarmojo. Effect of Catholyte Concentration on Current Production During Chocolate Industry Wastewater Treatment by a Microbial Fuel Cell. Makara Journal of Technology 24 (2), 1
Previous research activities
- Penggunaan Lempung Lokal sebagai Post Treatment Technology yang Sederhana dan Murah untuk Aplikasi Proses Daur Ulang Air Limbah Industri Tekstil Hibah Penelitian Strategis Nasional-DIKTI
- Perbaikan Kualitas Air Bersih Melalui Instalasi Pengolah Air di Komplek Panti Asuhan “Tunas Harapan” Cicadas, Bandung dan Masyarakat di Sekitarnya Hibah PPM ITB
- Pilot Scale Installation of Textile Wastewater Treatment Plant Using Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs)-Membrane for Process Water Re-Use Hibah Desentralisasi DIKTI
- Pilot Scale Installation of Textile Wastewater Treatment Plant Using Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs)-Membrane for Process Water Re-Use Hibah Desentralisasi DIKTI
- Teknologi Pengolah air baku yang mengandung logam berat skala rumah tangga dengan Komposit Zeolite-Besi Oksida (Studi Kasus Sungai Citarum) Hibah P3MI ITB
- Pengembangan teknologi pengolah air efluent IPAL industri berbasis Advanced Oxidation Process untuk dipergunakan kembali menjadi air baku proses industri (Studi Kasus Industri Tekstil) Hibah P3MI ITB
- Pengembangan Sistem AOP-Ozone dalam Pengolahan Air Limbah Industri untuk Digunakan Kembali sebagai Air Proses Hibah P3MI ITB
- Sintesis Komposit Biomaterial Kationik dari Selulosa Boehmeria nivea sebagai Flokulan Ramah Lingkungan Hibah Riset ITB