Andhika Sahadewa, ST., MSE., Ph.D
Research Interests
- Field and Laboratory Instrumentation in Geotechnical Engineering
- Geophysical Method Applications in Geotechnical Engineering
- Ground Improvements for soft soils and liquefiable soils
Field and laboratory instrumentation, geophysical method applications, ground improvements
Email : [at]si.itb.ac.id
- Ph.D, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Michigan, USA, 2014
- MSE, Master of Science Engineering, University of Michigan, USA, 2011
- ST, Sarjana Teknik, Civil Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, 2006.
-Tim Teknik penyelidikan tipikor oleh Subdit III Dit Reskrimsus Polda Jambi (2018)
- Himpunan Ahli Teknik Tanah Indonesia (HATTI)
- Building Construction Advisory Committee, DKI-Jakarta
- Nawir H., Prasetyo B.E., Sahadewa A. (2020). Strength and deformation characteristics of reconstituted sand under different stress paths in true triaxial tests. Journal of Engineering and Technological Scienses.
- Misliniyati R., Mase L.Z., Irsyam M., Hendriyawan, Sahadewa A. (2019). Seismic response validation of simulated soil models to vertical array record during a strong earthquake. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Vol. 51, Issue 6.
- Sahadewa A., Irsyam M., Hanifa R., Mikhail R., (…), Widodo Y. (2019). Overview of the 2018 palu earthquake. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering.
- Matasovic N., Zekkos D., Sahadewa A., Carlson C.P. (2018). In Situ Testing for Evaluation of Modulus Reduction and Damping of Municipal Solid Waste at a Hazardous Waste Landfill. Geotechnical Special Publication, Vol. 2018-June, Issue GSP 293.
- Sahadewa A., Zekkos D., Woods R.D., Kenneth H.S. (2015). Field testing method for evaluating the small-strain shear modulus and shear modulus nonlinearity of solid waste. Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 38, Issue 4.
- Zekkos D., Sahadewa A., Woods R.D., Stokoe K.H. (2014). Development of model for shear-wave velocity of municipal solid waste. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 140, Issue 3.
- Sahadewa A., Zekkos D., Woods R.D., Stokoe K.H., Matasovic N. (2014). In-situ assessment of the dynamic properties of municipal solid waste at a landfill in texas. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 65, pages 303 – 313.
- Sahadewa A., Zekkos D., Fei X., Li J., Zhao X. (2014). Recurring shear wave velocity measurements at the smiths creek bioreactor landfill. Geotechnical Special Publication, Issue 234 GSP.
- Zekkos D., Kabalan M., Syal.S.M., Hambright M., Sahadewa A. (2013). Geotechnical characterization of a Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Ash from a Michigan monofill. Waste Management, Vol. 33, Issue 6.