Dr. Eng. Aris Aryanto, ST., MT.
Research Interests
Concrete Materials and Structures, Metalic/Non-Metalic & other Materials, Performance Based Design
Cement, Concrete, Material, Structure, Corrosion, Structural Retrofit/Rehabilitation
Email : [at]si.itb.ac.id
- (S1) ITB, Bandung – Indonesia 2004
- (S2) ITB, Bandung – Indonesia 2008
- (S3) Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo – Jepang 2014
- Sumono Prize,
- Bintang Jasa Utama,
- Penghargaan Berprestasi Tinggi dalam Kursus Lemhannas Angkatan ke VII,
- The World Bank Award for Excellence,
- Satya Lencana Karya Satya, 40 Tahun ITB
- Tim Konseptor SNI 2847:2019
- Tim Konseptor SNI 1726:2019
- Tim Konseptor SNI-ACI 440
- Tim Konseptor SNI-ASCE 41
- Member of HAKI
- Member of AARGI
- Member of ACI
- Aryanto, A., Winata, B.J. (2021) “Tension Stiffening behavior of Polypropylene Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Tension Members”, Journal of and Technological Sciences. Vol.53 No.2
- Triwiyono, A., Han, A.L., Aryanto, A., Tudjomo, S., Gan, B.S. (2020) “Effect of specimen gauge reduction on uniaxial tension properties of reinforcing steel”, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International
- Aryanto, A., Winata, B.J., (2020) “Seismic Performance of Popypropylene Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Column with Corroded Reinforcing Bars” Proceeding The 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE), Sendai, Japan, September 13th -18th 2020.
- Imansyah, M.D., Imran, I, Kamaruddin, K. S., Aryanto, A, and Riansyah, M. (2019) “Behavior of earthquake-resistant structure elements using polypropylene fiber and high strength reinforcing bars” MATEC Web of Conferences 258, 05007 (2019), SCESCM 2018
- Aryanto, A., and Shinohara, Y., (2014), “Effect of confinement and concrete strength upon crack behaviors induced by corrosion–product expansion for reinforced concrete members”. Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering (Transaction of AIJ) Vo.79 No.685
- Imran, I., Aryanto, A., (2009) ” Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Frames In-Filled With Lightweight Materials Under Seismic Loads” The Civil Engineering Dimension (Dimensi Teknik Sipil) Universitas Petra, Vol. 11, No. 2, September