Dyah Kusumastuti, ST, MT, Ph.D.
Research Interests
Structural Dynamics & Control, Wind and Blast Engineering, Floating Structures, Smart Structures; Earthquake Resistance Steel Structures
Earthquake, Steel Structure
Email : [at]si.itb.ac.id
- (S1) ITB, Bandung – Indonesia 1993
- (S2) ITB, Bandung – Indonesia 1997
- (S3) State University of New York, Buffalo – Amerika Serikat 2005
- Satya Lencana Karya Satya
Tim Konseptor SNI 1726:2019
- TABG Tangerang Selatan
- Tim Ahli Bangunan Gedung Bidang Struktur dan Geoteknik (TABG-SG)
- Kusumastuti, D. (2019) “Study on the Performance of Replaceable Link on Seismic Resistant Steel Sructure” Proceeding International Conference in Commermoration of 20th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake Taipei, Taiwan, 15-19 September 2019
- Setio, H.D., Kusumastuti, D., Setio, S., Siregar, P.H.R., Hartanto, A. (2012) ”Pengembangan Sistem Isolasi Seismic pada Struktur Bangunan yang Dikenal Beban Gempa sebagai Solusi untuk Membatasi Respon Struktur” Jurnal Teknik Sipil ITB, Vol. 19 No. 1, hal. 1-14, April 2012, ISSN 0853-2982
- Kusumastuti, D., Moestopo, M., Ramadhita, M.S., Lim, E., Tanderan, R., Akbar, U.K., (2017) “Analytical Investigation of the Applicability of Seismic Devices for Core Frames System in High-Rise Buildings” Proceedings Book Regional Conference in Civil Engineering and The 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering Research (RCCE -ICCER), 1-2 August, ITS Surabaya, Indonesia, ISSN: 23546026, http://dx.doi.org/10.12962/j23546026.y2017i6
- Wijaya, W., Kusumastuti, D., Suarjana, M., Rildova, Pribadi, K., (2009) ”Kajian Eksperimental Kinerja Dinding Bata Terkekang Portal Beton Bertulang Terhadap Beban Lateral Siklik”, Seminar & Pameran Teknik 2009, HAKI, Jakarta, 11-12 Agustus, hal. 10, ISBN No. 978-602-8605-01-4
- Kusumastuti, D., (2008) “Seismic Response of Irregular Structures Near Collapse: Experimental and Analytical Evaluation” Buku Kapita Selekta, Penerbit ITB, hal. 297-313
- Kusumastuti, D., Reinhorn, A.M., (2002),”Development of Benchmark Model for Irregular Structure”, Proceeding of KEERC-MCEER Joint Seminar on Contributions to Earthkuake Engineering, Buffalo, July 30-August 1