Prof. Dr. Ir. Herlien Dwiarti Soemari
Research Interests
Structural Dynamics & Control, Wind and Blast Engineering, Floating Structures, Smart Structures, Earthquake Resistance Steel Structures
Structural Dynamics, Control, Earthquake, Steel Structure
Email : herlien[at]si.itb.ac.id
- (S1) ITB, Bandung – Indonesia 1981
- (S2) Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Lyon – Perancis 1987
- (S3) Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Lyon – Perancis 1990
- Satya Lencana Karya Satya, 30 Tahun, Presiden RI
- Lencana Pengabdian 35 Tahun, 2017, Rektor ITB
- Penghargaan Bidang Pengajaran, Rektor ITB
- The Best Paper Award, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc., USA
- Ketua Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Sipil FTSL-ITB,
- Ketua KK Rekayasa Struktur,
- Ketua Senat FTSL-ITB
Asosiasi Ahli Rekayasa Kegempaan Indonesia (AARGI)
- Setio, S., Setio, H.D., Jezequel, L., “Modal Analysis of Nonlinear Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Structures”, The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis, Society for Experimental Mechanics, Inc., USA
- Setio, H.D., Jezequel, L., “Component modal synthesis methods. Part I: Theory of hybrid models and Modal Truncation Methods”, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Trans. ASME
- Setio, S., Setio, H.D., Jezequel, L., “A Method of Non-Linear Modal Identification from Frequency Response Tests”, Journal of Sound and Vibration
- Setio, H.D., Sarli, P.W., Sanjaya, Y., Priambodo, D., “Experimental Study of Wind Flow in a Street Canyon between High-Rise Buildings by Using PIV”, Journal of Eng. and Technological Science
- Setio, H.D., Primatama, M.A. ,”Artificial Neural Network and Its Application in Vibration Control of Structures”, The Latest Development In Civil Engineering: a Book to Honor the 80th Birthday of Prof. Dr. Ir. Wiratman W
- Setio, H. D., Setio, S., “Structural Response Measurement: a Key to Advanced Diagnostic of Structural Damage”, Kapita Selekta, Penerbit ITB
- Abdullah, A.N., Budiono, B., Setio, H.D., Lim, E., ”The Seismic Behavior of Concrete-Filled Steel Tube (CFST) Columns and Reinforced Concrete (RC) Beams Connections under Reversed Cyclic Loading” Journal of Eng. and Technological Sciences
- Towards Implementation of Active Control System Using Artificial Intelligence for Flexible Structures Under Earthquake Excitations, Invited Speaker, International Conference in Commemoration of 20th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake