Patria Kusumaningrum, ST., Ph.D.
Research Interests
Cement-Based Materials; Structural Dynamics & Control, Wind and Blast Engineering, Floating Structures, Smart Structures; Earthquake Resistance Concrete Structures
High Performance Concrete, Blast Resistant Structure, Earthquake Engineering, Retrofit, Disaster Risk Reduction, Modular Structures, Sustainable Structures
Email : [at]si.itb.ac.id
- (S1) ITB, Bandung – Indonesia 2004
- (S3) National University of Singapore, Singapore – Singapura 2011
- JSCE Best Paper Award (2009)
- Tim Konseptor SNI 2847:2019
- Tim Konseptor SNI 1726:2019
- Tim Konseptor SNI 8900-2020
- Tim Konseptor SNI-ACI 440
- Tim Konseptor SNI-ASCE 41
- Wakil Kepala Laboratorium Rekayasa Struktur
- Member of FIB Indonesia
- Member of HAKI
- Member of AARGI
- K.S. Pribadi, M. Abduh, R.D. Wirahadikusumah, N.R. Hanifa, M. Irsyam, P. Kusumaningrum, E. Puri (2021) “Learning from past earthquake disasters: The need for knowledge management system to enhance infrastructure resilience in Indonesia” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
- Zulkifli, E., Kusumaningrum, P., Rahmi, D.P. (2021) ”Experimental Study and Numerical Model of Spruce and Teak Wood Strength Properties Under Compressive High Strain Rates Loading” Journal Engineering and Technological Sciences, Vol. 53, No. 1
- Kusumaningrum, P., Fajar, M., (2019) “Parametric Studies of Steel Fiber Reactive Powder Concrete Bridge Pier Subjected to Lateral Monotonic Loading” Proceeding International Conference in Commermoration of 20th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake Taipei, Taiwan, 15-19 September 2019
- Kusumaningrum, P., Budiono, B., Fajar, M., Elitha (2019) “XFEM Based Fracture Analysis of Single Notch Reactive Powder Concrete Specimen Subjected to Three Point Bending Test” Proceeding 4th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Mitigation (ICEEDM), Padang 26-27 September 2019, (E3S Web of Conferences, EDP Sciences, 13 Maret 2020, Vol. 156)
- Kusumaningrum, P., Ong, K.C.G., (2009) “Performance of RC Column Retrofitted with Hybrid-Fiber ECC Subjected to Blast Loading” Proceeding International Conference on Computational Design in Engineering (CODE 2009), Seoul, Korea, 3-6 November
- Kusumaningrum, P., Ong, K.C.G., Boon, S.T. (2009)“Finite Element Analysis and Testing of Quarter-scale RC Columns with and without ECC Encasement subjected to Close-in Explosion” Proceeding International Workshop on Performance, Protection and Strengthening of Structure under Extreme Loading, (PROTECT 2009), Hayama, Japan, August 2009