Prasanti Widyasih Sarli, ST., MT., Ph.D.
Research Interests
Research Software; Structural Dynamics & Control, Wind and Blast Engineering, Floating Structures, Smart Structures; Reliability Based Design
Wind Engineering, Software
Email : [at]si.itb.ac.id
- (S1) ITB, Bandung – Indonesia 2010
- (S2) ITB, Bandung – Indonesia 2012
- (S3) The University of Tokyo, Tokyo – Jepang 2015
- Advisor to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources in Indonesia as a developer of a Project to Developed community based renewable energy programs in Rural areas in Indonesia.
- Intern at the Governor Office of Jakarta, assigned to assist with water flooding solutions
- Project Manager at a Renewable Energy NGO (IBEKA) to develop community based renewable energy projects.
- Chair of the Future Leaders of ACECC (Asian Civil Engineering Coordinating Council)
- Member of HAKI
- Member of AARGI
- Coordinator at MAPIN Jabar
- Herlien D. Setio, Prasanti Widyasih Sarli, Yongky Sanjaya, Doni Priambodo(2020), “Experimental Study of Wind Flow in a Street Canyon between High-Rise Buildings by Using PIV”, Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences
- Doni Priambodo, Yongky Sanjaya, Prasanti Widyasih Sarli, Herlien D. Setio (2020),”Experimental Studies of Wind Flow Inside a street Canyon Between High-Rise Buildings with Angle of Attack Modifications,” International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering Information Technology
- Yamaguchi, Prasanti Widyasih Sarli, Takeshi Ishihara (2019). “Extreme Load Estimation of the Wind Turbine Tower during Power Production”, Wind Engineering Journal
- Prasanti Widyasih Sarli , Muhammad Rais Abdillah, Anjar Dimara Sakti (2020), “Relationship between Wind Incidents and Wind-Induced Damage to construction in West Java, Indonesia”, PlanoCosmo International Conference
- Y Sanjaya, D Priambodo, PW Sarli, HD Setio (2020),”The effect of Street canyon width towards wind flow in between high-rise buildings” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 930 (1), 012044