Ir. Sindur P. Mangkoesoebroto, MSEM, Ph.D
Research Interests
Structural Dynamics & Control, Seismic Risk Analysis, Earthquake Resistance Structures
Structural Dynamic, Earthquake, Steel Structure
Email : [at]si.itb.ac.id
- (S1) ITB , Bandung – Indonesia 1983
- (S2) University of Wisconsin – Madison, Winconsin – Amerika Serikat 1987
- (S3) University of Wisconsin – Madison, Winconsin – Amerika Serikat 1992
- Satya Lencana Karya Satya, 35 Tahun ITB; ITB’s Best Inventor
- Metode Perbaikan Bangunan Yang Mengalami Penurunan Tidak Seragam Akibat Kegagalan Pondasi Dengan Cara Perkuatan Pondasi: Dengan Atau Tanpa Pengangkatan Bangunan
- Alat Pilah Kayu dengan Tiga Titik Beban
- Alat Pelesap Energi Gempa Uniaksial
- Mangkoesoebroto, S.P., Prayoga, M.H., Parithusta, R., (2019) “Collapse Risks of Fail-Safe RC Frames Due to Earthquakes: Fragility Assessments” Journal of Engineering and Technological Science, Vol. 51, No. 4, July 2019, pp: 479-500, ISSN: 2337-5779, E-ISSN: 2338-5502
- Mangkoesoebroto, S.P., (2013) “Collapse Analysis of the Mahakam II Bridge” CECAR-6 Proceeding (6th Civil Engineering Conference Asia Region), 20-22 August, Jakarta, Indonesia
- Mangkoesoebroto, S.P., Parithusta, (2012) “Proposed Redesign and Analysis of Upper Cisokan Dams Subjected to MCE”, Proceeding International Symposium on Dams for a Changing World, Kyoto, Japan, 5 June
- Mangkoesoebroto, S.P., Goto, Tetsuro, Khadavi, (2003), “Experimental Investigation of Full-Scale Confined Masonry in Reversed Cyclic Loading”, Proceeding of the Ninth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Embracing the Challenges in the 21st Century, Bali, Indonesia,16 – 18 December, pp. MTS-3
- Mangkoesoebroto, S.P., Surahman, A., Batubara, S., Irawan, P., (2003), “Investigation of Full-Scale Concrete Beam-Column Sub-Assembly”, Proceeding of the Ninth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Embracing the Challenges in the 21st Century, Bali, Indonesia,16 – 18 December, pp. RCS-26
- Mangkoesoebroto, S.P., (2003), “Seismic Design of Structures by Performance Based: Indonesian Code Point of View (SNI-1726)”, Proceeding of the Ninth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Embracing the Challenges in the 21st Century, Bali, Indonesia,16 – 18 December, pp. SME-12
- Mangkoesoebroto, S. P. (2005). The NusantaraTunnel development of an integrated linkagesystem between Java and Sumatra islands inIndonesia. Tunnelling and Underground SpaceTechnology, Elsevier Ltd, 20: 581-594.