Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Sugeng Subagio, DEA
Research Interests
Pavement Modelling
Email : [at]si.itb.ac.id
- 1978 Bachelor in Civil Engineering, ITB
- 1984 Master in Mechanics of Materials, Ecole Centrale de Lyon
- 1987 Doctor in Pavement Materials, Ecole Centrale de Lyon
- Published papers on International Journal of GEOMATE (2019), International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation (2019), Proceeding MAIREPAV (2016), Applied Mechanics and Materials (2015), Journal of EASTS (2015)
- Engaged with research on pavement evaluation and modelling, warm mix pavement mixture, permeable rigid pavement layer, slag & RAP mixture for flexible pavement.
- Experienced as a Chief Editor & reviewer of ITB’s Journal of Civil Engineering and Head of Transportation Engineering Research Group
- Involved at several program, research and studies on pavement mechanistic performance evaluation, lecturer quality improvement, medium high speed railway design, project management and operational cashflow, etc.
- Member of Indonesian Transport Society (MTI), Indonesian Road & Highway Development (HPJI), and Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS)