Kardina Nawassa Setyo Ayuningtyas, ST., MT.
Research Interests
Transport Safety, Transport Modeling, Transport Behavior
Email : [at]si.itb.ac.id
- 2013 Bachelor in Civil Engineering, ITB
- 2016 Master in Transportation Engineering, ITB
- Published papers on Journal of Indonesia Road Safety Traffic Crash Research Centre (2019),Journal of Civil Engineering (2018-2019), International Journal of Sustainable Transportation Technology, Journal of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (2017)
- Accredited supplier for coding; analysis and reporting for International Road Assessment Program (iRAP)
- Member of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS), and Masyarakat Transportasi Indonesia
- Engaged with research on transport safety, transport modeling, transport behavior, and pavement
- Experienced as a reviewer for Journal of Civil Engineering, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation Technology.
- Researcher at TARC (Traffic Accident Research Centre), KorlantasPolri
- Involved with several community services including the partnership with Korlantas, Jasa Marga, JMTM, World Resources Institute (WRI), Balitbanghub