Prof. Dr. Ir. Rudy Hermawan Karsaman, M.Sc.
Research Interests
Expressway system, ITS Application
Email : [at]si.itb.ac.id
- 1984 Bachelor in Civil Engineering, ITB
- 1989 Master in Highway Engineering, University of Birmingham
- 1996 PhD, University of Leeds
- Published papers on International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues (2015), International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation (2015), Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences (2014)
- 30th Years Satya Lencana from Indonesian Republic President (2016), ITB Award (203), Ganeca Bakti Wiramadya Awards from ITB (2001)
- Experienced as a head of Regional Research Board West Java, commissioner of PLN Engineering and Jasa Marga Pandaan Toll Road, Director of Development ITB, Director of Partnership ITB, Head of Civil Engineering Department ITB, Highway & Road Engineering Master Program ITB, and Highway Engineering Laboratory ITB.
- Involved at Ganesha Campus Facility Development, Ganesha Bus Stop Facility Development, and ITERA Infrastructure Needs Study
Member of Himpunan Pengembangan Jalan Indonesia (HPJI), Masyarakat Transportasi Indonesia (MTI), Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Study (EASTS), and Masyarakat Pengendalian Indonesia