Prof. Ir. Ricky Lukman Tawekal, MSE., Ph.D.
Research Interests
Offshore Engineering Technology, Subsea Pipeline and Riser
Structural Optimization, Offshore Structures, and Naval Architecture
Email : [at]ocean.itb.ac.id
- S1: 1983 – Teknik Sipil – Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
- S2: 1988 – Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering – The University of Michigan, USA
- S2: 1989 – Aerospace Engineering – The University of Michigan, USA
- S3: 1991 – Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering – The University of Michigan, USA
- Satyalancana Pembangunan – Presiden Republik Indonesia
- Tanda Kehormatan Satyalancana Karya Satya 10 Tahun – Presiden Republik Indonesia
- Tanda Kehormatan Satyalancana Karya Satya 20 Tahun – Presiden Republik Indonesia
- Pengabdian 25 Tahun – Pemerintah Republik Indonesia
- Tanda Kehormatan Satyalancana Karya Satya 30 Tahun – Presiden Republik Indonesia
- Ikatan Ahli Fasilitas Produksi Minyak dan Gas Bumi Indonesia (IAFMI)
- Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII)
Previous research activities
- Penyusunan Buku Desain Pipa Bawah Laut di Indonesia (2020)
- Penyusunan Buku Dasar Perancangan Kapal (2019)
- Analisis Kerusakan Pipa Bawah Laut akibat Tarikan Jangkar Kapal (2018)
- Pengembangan Reliability Based Underwater Inspection (ReBUI) pada Anjungan Lepas Pantai di Indonesia (2017
- Wibowo, A.A., Tawekal, R.L., Ajiwibowo, H., & Wurjanto, A. (2021). Two-dimensional Physical Modeling Of Multi Chamber Skirt Breakwater (MCSB). Int. Jour. GEOMATE, 20(78), 36-43. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21660/2021.78.95188
- Tawekal, R.L. and J.D. Velas (2019) Subsea pipeline protection design subjected to dropped anchor using concrete mattress, International Journal of GEOMATE, 17 (60) 251-258https://doi.org/10.21660/2019.60.84652
- Tawekal, J. R., & Tawekal, R. L. (2018). Risk reliability-based underwater inspection method for jacket platforms in Indonesia. International Journal of Structural Integrity.
- Tawekal, R.L., Mahendra, M., Kurniawan, D.B., Ilman, E.C., Perdana, F., & Purnawarman, F. (2017). Risk Based Underwater Inspection (RBUI) For Existing Fixed Platforms In Indonesia, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science 5 (7) 25-31.