Faizal Immaddudin Wira Rohmat, S.T., M.T., Ph.D
Research Interests
Machine learning, artificial intelligence, and high-performance computing for water resources systems
Machine learning
Email : faizalrohmat@itb.ac.id
1. Ph.D. Water Resources Planning and Management, Colorado State University (2014 – 2019) Dissertation: Machine Learning Methods to Facilitate Optimal Water Allocation and Management in Irrigated River Basins to Comply with Water Law, using MODSIM Surface Water Model in Conjunction with MODFLOW Groundwater Model
2. Master’s degree in Civil Engineering (Water resources focus), Institut Teknologi Bandung (2011-2012) Thesis: Irrigation O&M Fair Budgeting Strategy using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)
3. Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering (Water resources focus), Institut Teknologi Bandung (2007-2011) Thesis: GIS-based Analysis of Erosion, Sedimentation, and Service Life of Jatigede Dam
- Sumono Prize,
- Bintang Jasa Utama,
- Penghargaan Berprestasi Tinggi dalam Kursus Lemhannas Angkatan ke VII,
- The World Bank Award for Excellence,
- Satya Lencana Karya Satya, 40 Tahun ITB
- Assistant Professor. Institut Teknologi Bandung (August 2023 – Present).
- Lecturer/researcher. Institut Teknologi Bandung (August 2021 – July 2023).
- Academic assistant, Institut Teknologi Bandung (September 2019 – July 2021).
- Professional water resources engineer (June 2019 – Present).
- Graduate research assistant. Colorado State University (November 2014 – May 2019).
- Assistant water resources engineer (June 2011– August 2014).
Paten / Awards
- Jabar (West Java) Innovation Fellowship. 2019 Fellow.
- Colorado State University SoGES Sustainability Fellow. 2017-2018 cohort.
- Silver-medal at PIMNAS XXIII (Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional). Malang, 2009.
- European Geophysical Union (EGU), Member.
- American Geophysical Union (AGU), Member.
- American Society of Civil Engineer (ASCE), Member.
- Indonesian Association of Hydraulic Engineers (HATHI), Member, West Java chapter.
- Indonesian Remote Sensing Society (MAPIN), Member, West Java chapter.
No. | Year | Project | Position | Institutions | Funder |
1 | 2024 | Multi-reservoir Optimization with Coupled Reinforcement Learning and CaMa-Flood Hydrodynamics Model (The University of Tokyo) | Principal investigator | Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) | ITB International research Program |
2 | 2024 | Assessing the Cumulative Impact of City-wide Green Roof Implementation on Watershed Hydrology and Urban Resilience (University College London) | Research Associate | Institut Teknologi Bandung | ITB International research Program |
3 | 2024 | Climate-Sensitive Urban
Flood Risk Assessment In High-Density Urban Environment: Case Study Of Manado City |
Principal investigator | Institut Teknologi Bandung | ITB Junior Staff Research Grant |
4 | 2024 | Modeling and development of the Lagrangian Drifter Sphere apparatus for dynamic process profiles and river flow quality | Research Associate | Institut Teknologi Bandung | ITB FCEE Research Program |
5 | 2024 | Distribution of sediment deposits at Pare Dam, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara | Principal investigator | Institut Teknologi Bandung | ITB FCEE Research Program |
6 | 2024 | Flood Modeling due to River Erosion-sedimentation and Garbage Piling in the Upper Citarum River Basin | Research associate | Institut Teknologi Bandung | BRIN RIIM 2023-2024 |
7 | 2024 | Geo-tour Ngaguar Banjir Majalaya: Building Community Resilience in Facing Flood Threats – outreach | Principal investigator | Institut Teknologi Bandung | ITB LPPM Community Service |
8 | 2023 | Advanced Localized Information for Community Flood Emergencies (ALICE) – outreach ? | Principal investigator | Institut Teknologi Bandung | ITB LPPM Community Service |
9 | 2022-2023 | Multi-Reservoir Operation Rules Optimization using Multiplayer Reinforcement Learning | Principal investigator | Institut Teknologi Bandung | ITB International research Program |
10 | 2022-2023 | Development of Majalaya Watershed’s Future Extreme Flows Projection using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Methods ? | Principal investigator | Institut Teknologi Bandung | The Asahi Glass Foundation |
11 | 2022 | Flood Modeling based on Satellite Data and Machine Learning for Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) in the Upper Citarum River | Principal investigator | Institut Teknologi Bandung | ITB Research Excellence Program |
12 | 2022 | Assistance in Design of Citarum Riverbank Protection due to River Erosion in Majalaya District, Bandung Regency – outreach | Principal investigator | Institut Teknologi Bandung | ITB LPPM Community Service |
13 | 2022 | Jakarta flood prediction using machine learning approach | Research associate | Institut Teknologi Bandung | ITB FCEE Research Program |
14 | 2021-2023 | Comprehensive Modeling of Floods due to River Shallowing from Land Erosion and Garbage Accumulation in the Upper Citarum River Basin Based on Metaheuristics and Artificial Intelligence | Principal investigator | Institut Teknologi Bandung | ITB DTTP Grant |
15 | 2021-2023 | Modeling Sustainable Conjunctive Water System to Achieve Resilient
Indonesian Slums (WP4-RISE) ? |
Research associate | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung, BRIN, Radboud University Nijmegen | Joint-fund Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Ristek) and Dutch Research Council (NWO) |
16 | 2021-2022 | The impact of climate change on urban flooding in Majalaya, Indonesia | Research associate | University of Greenwich, Institut Teknologi Bandung, UTM Malaysia | The British Institute |
17 | 2021 | Optimization of reservoir operations with multi-objective-based decision making | Research associate | Institut Teknologi Bandung | ITB FCEE Research Program |
18 | 2021 | Flood Early Warning System using Recurrent Neural Networks | Research associate | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Institut Teknologi Bandung FCEE Research Program |
19 | 2021-2022 | Gap Analysis for Resilient Energy Supply in Bali and Kalimantan as Part of Research on Regional
Development Planning and Ideal Lifestyle of Future Indonesia – By Utilizing Advance Green Energy Technology and Trans/Inter-disciplinary Approaches |
Research associate | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Indonesia, TU Delft | Joint-fund Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Ristek) and Dutch Research Council (NWO) |
20 | 2020-2021 | Wood Biomass Energy Source Center (as part of research on Regional Development Planning and Ideal Lifestyle of Future Indonesia – By Utilizing Advance Green Energy Technology and Trans/Inter-disciplinary Approaches) ? | Research associate | Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Indonesia, TU Delft | Joint-fund Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Ristek) and Dutch Research Council (NWO) |
21 | 2020 | Assistance and Preparation of a Guidebook for the Implementation of Drainage and Rural Sanitation Based on Community Participation – outreach | Research associate | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Institut Teknologi Bandung FCEE Community Service Program |
22 | 2020 | Baleendah Area Eco-Friendly Drainage | Research associate | Institut Teknologi Bandung | Institut Teknologi Bandung FCEE Research Program |
23 | 2015 – 2019 | USDA-NIFA Water Quality and Productivity Enhancement in an Irrigated River Basin through Participatory Conservation Planning and Analysis | Graduate Research Assistant | Colorado State University | United States Department of Agriculture |
- Kardhana, H., Wijayasari, W. and Rohmat, F.I.W., 2024. Assessing Basin-wide Soil Erosion in the Citarum Watershed using USLE Method. Results in Engineering, p.102130.
- Sa’adi, Z., Alias, N.E., Yusop, Z., Chow, M.F., Muhammad, M.K.I., Mazilamani, L.S., Ramli, M.W.A., Shiru, M.S., Mohamad, N.A., Rohmat, F.I.W. and Khambali, M.H.M., 2024. Spatiotemporal assessment of rainfall and drought projection for integrated dam management in Benut River Basin, Malaysia under CMIP6 scenarios. Environmental Challenges, 15, p.100892.
- Husna, A.; Akmalia, R.; Rohmat, F.I.W.; Rohmat, F.I.W.; Rohmat, D.; Wijayasari, W.; Alvando, P.V.; Wijaya, A. Groundwater Sustainability Assessment against the Population Growth Modelling in Bima City, Indonesia. Water 2023, 15, 4262. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15244262
- Sa’Adi, Z., Yusop, Z., Alias, N.E., Chow, M.F., Muhammad, M.K.I., Ramli, M.W.A., Iqbal, Z., Shiru, M.S., Rohmat, F.I.W., Mohamad, N.A. and Ahmad, M.F., 2023. Evaluating Imputation Methods for rainfall data under high variability in Johor River Basin, Malaysia. Applied Computing and Geosciences, p.100145.
- Sakti, A.D., Mahdani, J.N., Santoso, C., Ihsan, K.T.N., Nastiti, A., Shabrina, Z., Safira, M., Rohmat, F., Yulianto, F. and Virtriana, R., 2023. Optimizing city-level centralized wastewater management system using machine learning and spatial network analysis. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 32, p.103360.
- Burnama, N.S., Rohmat, F.I.W., Farid, M., Kardhana, H. and Kuntoro, A.A., 2023, October. Inundation Height Prediction using Machine Learning with Artificial Neural Network (ANN). In ITB Graduate School Conference (Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 385-396).
- Asri, A.A.O., Rohmat, F.I.W., Kardhana, H., Kuntoro, A.A. and Farid, M., 2023, September. Analysis of Lead Time in The Upstream Citarum River Using Satellite and Stream Gauge Data. In ITB Graduate School Conference (Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 152-162).
- Putra, R.E., Rohmat, F.I.W., Harlan, D., Kardhana, H. and Farid, M., 2023, July. Flood Hydrograph Modeling Based on Rainfall Data in The Dayeuhkolot Watershed Using Hec-Hms. In ITB Graduate School Conference (Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 592-604).
- Burnama, N.S., Rohmat, F.I.W., Farid, M., Kuntoro, A.A., Kardhana, H., Rohmat, F.I.W., Wijayasari, W., 2023. The Utilization of Satellite Data and Machine Learning for Predicting the Inundation Height in the Majalaya Watershed. Water, 15(17), 3026. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/w15173026. ?
- Rohmat, F.I.W., Harjupa, W., Rohmat, D. and Rohmat, F.I.W., 2023. The impacts of global atmospheric circulations on the water supply in select watersheds in the Indonesian Maritime Continent using SPI. Heliyon. ?
- Wijayasari, W., Rohmat, F.I.W. and Viridi, S., 2023, April. Spatial modeling to understand the dynamics of land cover MODIS satellite data and Markov Chain. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1165, No. 1, p. 012047). IOP Publishing. ?
- Burnama, N.S., Rohmat, F.I.W., Farid, M. and Wijayasari, W., 2023, April. Utilization of quantile mapping method using cumulative distribution function (CDF) to calibrated satellite rainfall GSMaP in Majalaya watershed. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1165, No. 1, p. 012006). IOP Publishing. ?
- Wijayasari, W., Rohmat, F.I.W. and Viridi, S., 2023. Malaccha: An R-based end-to-end Markov transition matrix extraction for land cover datasets. SoftwareX, 21, p.101315. ?
- Rohmat, F.I.W., Sa’adi, Z., Stamataki, I., Kuntoro, A.A., Farid, M. and Suwarman, R., 2022. Flood modeling and baseline study in urban and high population environment: A case study of Majalaya, Indonesia. Urban Climate, 46, p.101332. ?
- Rohmat, F.I.W., Stamataki, I., Sa’adi, Z. and Fitriani, D., 2022. Flood analysis using HEC-RAS: The case study of Majalaya, Indonesia under the CMIP6 projection (No. EGU22-3090). Copernicus Meetings. ?
- Sa’adi, Z., Rohmat, F.I.W., Stamataki, I., Shahid, S., Iqbal, Z., Yaseen, Z.M., Yusop, Z. and Alias, N.E., 2022. Spatiotemporal Rainfall Projection in Majalaya basin, West Java, Indonesia under CMIP6 Scenarios. Preprints. ?
- Kardhana, H., Valerian, J.R., Rohmat, F.I.W. and Kusuma, M.S.B., 2022. Improving Jakarta’s Katulampa Barrage Extreme Water Level Prediction Using Satellite-Based Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Networks. Water, 14(9), p.1469. ?
- Valerian, J.R., Rohmat, F.I.W., Kardhana, H., Kusuma, M.S.B. and Yatsrib, M., 2021, September. Sadewa satellite remote sensing data to Manggarai 1-hour water level machine learning model. In 2021 8th International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concepts, Theory and Applications (ICAICTA) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. ?
- Fields, C.M., Labadie, J.W., Rohmat, F.I.W. and Johnson, L.E., 2021. Geospatial decision support system for ameliorating adverse impacts of irrigated agriculture on aquatic ecosystems. Agricultural Water Management, 252, p.106877. ?
- Pratama, M.I., Rohmat, F.I.W., Farid, M., Adityawan, M.B., Kuntoro, A.A. and Moe, I.R., 2021, April. Flood hydrograph simulation to estimate peak discharge in Ciliwung river basin. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 708, No. 1, p. 012028). IOP Publishing. ?
- Farid, M., Pratama, M.I., Kuntoro, A.A., Adityawan, M.B., Rohmat, F.I.W. and Moe, I.R., 2021. Pengaruh Perubahan Tutupan Lahan terhadap Debit Banjir di Daerah Aliran Sungai Ciliwung Hulu. ?
- Rohmat, F.I.W., Labadie, J.W., and Gates, T.K. 2021. Enabling improved water and environmental management in an irrigated river basin using multi-agent optimization of reservoir operations. ?
- Sidik, A., Maddi, H.C., Rohmat, D., Solehudin, S., Sarewo, K., Rohmat, F.I.W. Regional Distribution of Relative Drought Using Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) Calculation in The Lasolo-Konaweha Watershed System, HATHI 6th International Seminar on Advancement of Water Resources Management.
- Rohmat, F.I.W., Labadie, J.W., and Gates, T.K. 2019. Deep learning for compute-efficient modeling of BMP impacts on stream-aquifer exchange and water law compliance in an irrigated river basin. ?
- Rohmat, F.I.W., Labadie, J.W., Gates, T.K. 2019. Application of High-dimensional Epsilon Mutation Linear Particle Swarm Optimization in Mitigating the Effects of Best Management Practices Application in the Lower Arkansas River Basin. 39th Annual American Geophysical Union’s Hydrology Days. 27 – 29 Maret, 2019, Fort Collins, USA.
- Rohmat, F.I.W., Labadie, J.W. and Gates, T.K.. 2018. “Computationally Efficient ANN as a Realistic Surrogate of MODFLOW-UZF for Integration with the GeoMODSIM River Basin Management Model.” ?
- Rohmat, F.I.W., Labadie, J.W. 2018. Integrated Water System Planning, Design, and Operation using MODSIM-DSS and Particle Swarm Optimization: Application to Tripa River Basin, Indonesia. 38th Annual American Geophysical Union’s Hydrology Days. 19 – 21 Maret 2018, Fort Collins, USA.
- Rohmat, F.I.W., Labadie, J.W., Gates, T.K. 2017. Application of Neural Networks to Development of a Computationally Efficient Surrogate to the MODFLOW Model: Application to the Stream-aquifer System of the Lower Arkansas River Basin in Colorado. 2017 UCOWR/NIWR Annual Conference. 13- 15 Juni 2017, Fort Collins, USA. ?
- Soentoro, E. A., Rohmat, F.I.W., and Vurnamawati, V. 2014. Fair Budgeting Formulation for O&M of Irrigation Using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis: WA and AHP Methods. Journal of Civil Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung. ?