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Prof.Ir. Indratmo Soekarno, M.Sc
Research Interests

Pipe hydraulics, dynamic processes of rivers and estuaries, early warning, peat hydrology, coastal processes, dynamic river and estuary processes, tsunami early warning, integrated coastal protection system


Email : [at]si.itb.ac.id

  • Bachelor’s Degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
  • Master’s Degree: University of Strahclyde, UK.
  • Doctoral Degree: University of Strahclyde, UK
  • Publications in MATEC Web of Conferences, Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, AIP Conference Proceedings, International Journal of Geomate

Member of HATHI Jawa Barat

  • M L Assidik, I Soekarno, Widyaningtias and I A Humam3 “Water balance analysis and hydraulic structure design to prevent peatland fires IOP Conferences Series :Earth  and Environmental Sciences Page  012006
  • Yadi Suryadi, Indratmo Soekarno & Ivan AliyatulHumam “Effectiveness Analysis of Canal Blocking in Sub-peatland Hydrological Unit 5 and 6 Kahayan Sebangau, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia” J. Eng. Technol. Sci.,Vol.53,No. 2, 2021, 210205
  • Indratmo Soekarno, Mohammad Farid and Regina Dio Oriandra (2020).” CIRATA RESERVOIR LIFETIME PREDICTION USING NEW HYDROMETRICS AND SEDIMENT APPROACHES”.International Journal Of Geomate Vol.18 PP 41-48