Prof.Ir. Muhammad Syahril B. Kusuma, Ph.D
Research Interests
Coastal Processes, Wave Modelling, Tsunami Early Warning, Instruments Development, Integrated Coastal Protection System, Stability of Watershed Capacity Indicator due to Regional Infrastructure Development
Email : [at]si.itb.ac.id
- Bachelor’s Degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
- Master’s Degree: : Univ. De Nantes-Ecole Nationale Superieure De Mecanique, France.
- Doctoral Degree: Univ. De Nantes-Ecole Nationale Superieure De Mecanique, France.
- Publications in MATEC Web of Conferences, Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, AIP Conference Proceedings, International Journal Of Geomate
- Member of HATHI Jawa Barat
- Member of Asian Water Cycle Initiative (AWCI), Tokyo University
- Member of IABI (Indonesian Disaster Experts Association)
- Member of Steering Comm. of Social Management System (SSMS), Kochi Univ. of Tech
- Muhammad Isnaeni, Muhammad Syahril Badri Kusuma and Joko Nugroho “COMPARISON OF FOUR PARTICLE DEPOSITION RATEFORMULAE IN LAMINAR FLOW” International Journal of GEOMATE, Aug., 2021, Vol.21, Issue 84, pp.103-111
- Muhammad Syahril Badri Kusuma, Mohammad Farid, Suyudi Akbari Habibi, Djamhuri (2020)“THE INFLUENCE OF THE NEW LRT PIER TO THE SEDIMENTATION PATTERN AROUND AMPERA BRIDGE IN MUSI
RIVER, SOUTH SUMATERA, INDONESIA” International Journal Geomate Vol.18 pp 159-167 - Vitta Pratiwi, Muhammad Syahril Badri Kusuma, Hadi Kardhana, Mohammad Farid (2020).” EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF DAM BREAK FLOW GENERATED BY THE FLAP GATE IN HORIZONTAL CHANNEL”. International Journal Geomate 19-26