Widyaningtias ST., MT., Ph.D
Research Interests
- Field of estuary and coastal protection and management, building with nature
Email : [at]si.itb.ac.id
- Bachelor Degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- Master Degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- Doctoral Degree: Tohoku University, Japan
- Publications in MATEC Web of Conferences, Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, AIP Conference Proceedings, Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami
- Member of HATHI Jawa Barat
- M L Assidik, I Soekarno, Widyaningtias and I A Humam3 “Water balance analysis and hydraulic structure design to prevent peatland fires” IOP Conferences Earth and Sciences Page 012006
- Yeremia Immanuel Sihombing, Mohammad Bagus Adityawan, Asrini Chrysanti, Widyaningtias, Mohammad Farid, Joko Nugroho, Arno Adi Kuntoro, Mipi Ananta Kusuma (2020). “Tsunami Overland Flow Characteristic and Its Effect on Palu Bay Due to the Palu Tsunami 2018” Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami 2050009
- Nur Lely Hardianti , Asrini Chrysanti , Bagus Pramono , Mohammad Bagus Adityawan ,Widyaningtias Yadi Suryadi “Application of Finite Difference Schemes to 1D St. Venant for Simulating Weir Overflow “MATEC Web of Conferences 147, 03011 (2018)