Dr. Anindrya Nastiti, ST., MT., Ph.D
Research Interests
Environment & Behavior, Environmental Governance
Keywords : Interdisciplinary environmental studies, water governance, environment & behaviour
Email : anindrya@itb.ac.id
- Bachelor Degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
- Master Degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
- Doctoral Degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
- Doctoral Degree: Radboud University, Nijmegen, Belanda.
PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science) Cozzarelli Prize Class VI (2021-13947)
- The Member of Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Indonesia (IATPI)
Water and WASH (Drinking Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene)
2023 Primary investigator. Safe and Equitable Access to Water for All: Knowledge coproduction and Shared Governance of Off-Grid Water Systems in Indonesia / WISE (Water Innovations/ Safe/ Equity), cooperation between ITB and Sciences Po Toulouse, France, funded by PHC Nusantara.
2023 Primary investigator. Intersecting Necessity and Sustainability Dilemma in Groundwater Management – A Political Ecology Perspective, funded by Riset dan Inovasi untuk Indonesia maju BRIN 2023.
2023 Primary investigator. Optimising City-level Centralized Wastewater Management System through Spatial Network Analysis: A Case Study of Bandung, Indonesia, funded by Riset Unggulan ITB 2023.
2023 Primary investigator. Drivers, Barriers, and Public Perceptions of Reclaimed Urban Water in Indonesia, cooperation between ITB, Nanyang Technological University, President University, Perumda Paljaya, funded by ITB.
2020 Primary-investigator. Socio-technical solutions to water security challenges in urban areas and post-disaster scenarios, cooperation between ITB and University of Manchester, funded by Newton Fund-Institutional Link, United Kingdom.
2022 Co-investigator. Sustainable sanitation for the marginalised groups in Eastern Indonesia, cooperation between ITB, UGM, and Universitas Udayana, funded by Sanitation Learning hub, United Kingdom.
2021 Co-investigator. Law Enforcement Strategies for Point Source Pollution: Lesson-learned from Citarum Harum, cooperation between ITB, Universitas Indonesia and Universitas Padjajaran, funded by Program Penelitian Kolaborasi Indonesia (PPKI) 2021.
2019 Co-investigator. Exploring 21st century skills in complex multi stakeholder situation: the Living Lab Upper Citarum, Java, Indonesia, cooperation between ITB and Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Science, the Netherlands, funded by Dutch taskforce for Applied Research, Nationaal Regieorgaan Praktijkgericht Onderzoek.
2019 Co-investigator. Engaging corporate actors in the delivery of inclusive WASH services in workplaces and connected communities, cooperation between ITB and Griffith University, Australia, funded by Water for Women Research.
2020 Co-investigator. From Knowledge to Policies: A Governance Approach to Bridge the Gap to Enhance Access to Clean Water in Indonesia, cooperation between ITB, University of Groningen, and Radboud University, funded by KNAW Scientific Programme Indonesia-Netherlands.
2017 Primary Investigator. Inequity pattern of water sector in Indonesia, Research, Community Service, and Innovation Program of ITB, funded by ITB.
2012 Co-Investigator. Study on the quality of urban water supply and sanitation infrastructures as an adaptation capacity element in reducing climate change impact on health, ITB Research Group Research and Innovation Program–Decentralization Research Program, Directorate of Higher Education, Indonesian Ministry of Education.
Climate Change
2020-2023 Co-investigator. Cool infrastructure: Heat in the off-grid cities, cooperation between ITB, University of Edinburgh, Nanyang Technological University, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, Indian Institute of Technology, Fondation Paul Ango Ela, Cameroon, and Ludwig Maximillian’s University Munich, funded by Global Challenges Research Fund – UK.
2023 Co-investigator. Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Occupational Health and Productivity: Indonesian Farmers and Forestry Workers, cooperation between ITB and IPB, funded by Red Cross.
Emerging Contaminants
2023 Primary investigator. A Systematic Review of Pharmaceutical Waste in Southeast Asia in DPSIR Perspectives, funded by P2MI Program, FTSL ITB 2023.
2023 Co-investigator.Concentration Modeling And Risk Prioritization Of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (Apis) In The Upper Citarum Watershed, funded by Riset dan Inovasi untuk Indonesia maju BRIN 2023.
2018 Co-investigator. Global Estuaries Monitoring (for pharmaceuticals and emerging contaminants) –global consortium.
2022 Co-investigator. Prevalence, Policies, Practices and Norms Surrounding Antibiotic Resistant Diseases in Indonesia, cooperation between ITB and Global Environmental Health LAB, funded by Global Environmental Health LAB.
2021 Primary investigator. Household Pharmaceutical Waste in Urban Indonesia -Policy, Perceptions, and Behaviour. P2MI, Institut Teknologi Bandung.
2018 Co-investigator. Global Monitoring for Pharmaceuticals –the development of a ‘snapshot-view’ of pharmaceutical concentrations in rivers across the globecooperation between ITB and York University, United Kingdom.
2018 Primary Investigator. Applying DPSIR (Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response) to analyze socio-ecological interaction pattern in antibiotic waste pollution in freshwater system, ITB International Research Program, funded by ITB.
Environmental and Health Policy
2020 Co-investigator. Community resilience to COVID-19, funded by RistekDikti, Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia.
2019 Primary Investigator. Integration of Risk Governance in the Strategic Environmental Analysis (SEA) in Indonesia, ITB Research Group Research Program, funded by ITB.
2017 Co-investigator. Regional infrastructure system and management of Java Corridor Megacity, Excellence Research Program, Research Center for Infrastructure and Regional Development, ITB, funded by ITB.
2011 Co-Investigator. Environmental burden of small industries in Western Bandung, Environmental Management Technology Research Group, funded by ITB.