Prof. Dr.Ir. Arwin, MS
Research Interests
Water Resource Management and Conservation.
Email : [at]tl.itb.ac.id
- Bachelor Degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
- Master Degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
- Doctoral Degree: INSA Toulouse, France.
- Indonesian Society of Sanitary and Environmental Engineers
- Indonesian Hydrological Society
- The Indonesian Big Dams Association
- 2020 “Rationalization Of Discharge Data Fluctuations Using Minimum Residuals Model Of Moving Average Methods In Citarum Cascade Reservoirs”, International Journal, 19(75), 209-214
- 2020 “The conservation index as a control instrument of space utilisation in the Upper Cikapundung Watershed of Indonesia”, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology 10(2), 148-166
- 2020 “The effect of land use changes to discharge extremities in Cimahi Watershed–Upper Citarum Watershed, West Java”, E3S Web of Conferences 148, 07002
- 2019 “Effects of watershed topography and land use on baseflow hydrology in upstream Komering South Sumatera, Indonesia”, Change, 4
- 2019 “The Reliability Study of Raw Water Sources in the Development of Potable Water Supply Systems in Indonesia”, International Journal 16(54), 209-216
- 2018 “Management Optimization of Cipanunjang-Cileunca Reservoir in Bandung Regency Using Discrete Markov Methods”, Indonesian Journal of Urban And Environmental Technology 2(1), 47-65
- 2018 “Alternative Intake Station in Saguling Reservoir for The Needs of Raw Water in Bandung Metropolitan Area”, MATEC Web of Conferences 147, 03015
- 2017 “Primary pollutant selection and determination of water quality index in class discharge division based on three class Markov model”, International Journal of Geomate 13(38), 89-96
- 2017 “Determining peak discharge factor using synthetic unit hydrograph modelling (case study: upper Komering South Sumatera, Indonesia)”, International Journal of GEOMATE 13(36), 1-5
- 2017 “Pengaruh perubahan penggunaan lahan terhadap rezim hidrologi DAS (studi kasus: DAS Komering)”, Jurnal Teknik Sipil 24(1), 91-98
- 2017 “Model Prakiraan Debit Air dalam Rangka Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Waduk Saguling–Kaskade Citarum”, Jurnal Purifikasi 17(1)
- 2017 “Service area management towards integrated maintenance of saguling reservoir as the raw water in bandung metropolitan area, Indonesia”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12(22), 12295-12304
- 2017 “Model Penerapan Drainase Berwawasan Lingkungan Skala Individu di Lahan Permukiman Kawasan Bandung Utara”, Jurnal Teknik Sipil ITB 24(1), 83-90
- 2016 “Management Optimization of Saguling Reservoir with Bellman Dynamic Programming and “Du Couloir” Iterative Method”, Forum Geografi 30(1), 14-23