Ir. Arief Sudradjat, ST, MIS, PhD
Research Interests
Water security encompassing urban, rural, environmental, economic, and water-related disaster components; risk-based integrated water resources management; environmental systems and management; environmental resilience and sustainability; safe water and sanitation and hygiene framework
Email : [at]tl.itb.ac.id
- Bachelor Degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
- Master’s Degree: Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA.
- Doctoral Degree: University of Maryland, College Park , USA
- Professional Environmental Engineer: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- Institution of Engineers Indonesia
- Indonesian Society of Sanitary and Environmental Engineers
- 2021 Assessing Log Reduction Values of Water Treatment Plants with Microbially Highly polluted Raw Source, Journal Engineering and Technology Science
- 2020 Flood and Drought Resilience Measurement at Andir Urban Village, Indonesia. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 148, p. 06005). EDP Sciences
- 2020 Contrasting Climate Induced Variability of the Upper Citarum River Baseflow and Eventflow during Early 20th Century and Recent Decades. E3S Web of Conferences 148, 03001
- 2018 Aplikasi Contingen Valuation Method Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Perairan Kawasan Pemukiman Di Sekitar Pesisir. Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan 24 (1), 57-67
- 2018 The prospects of the domestic water equity indicators in Indonesia: a review. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 106 (1), 012065
- 2017 The effect of physical accessibility and service level of water supply on economic accessibility: a case study of Bandung City, Indonesia. Water International 42 (7), 831-851
- 2017 Coping with poor water supply in peri-urban Bandung, Indonesia: towards a framework for understanding risks and aversion behaviours. Environment and urbanization 29 (1), 69-88
- 2017 Cultivating innovation and equity in co-production of commercialized spring water in peri-urban Bandung, Indonesia. Water Alternatives 10 (1), 160
- 2013 Informing the Drinking Water Sector Using Health Risk-Based Approach: Challenges in Application and Policy Implication in Indonesia. The 4th International Seminar Department of Environmental Engineering
- 2012 Analisis kondisi eksisting penampang Sungai Cisangkuy Hilir menggunakan HEC-RAS 4.1. 0. Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan 18 (1), 43-53
- 2011 Prototyping a generic, unified land surface classification and screening methodology for GPM-era microwave land precipitation retrieval algorithms. Journal of applied meteorology and climatology 50 (6), 1200-1211
- 2010 A global perspective of Southern Asian Monsoon annual mean precipitation variations in the Global Precipitation Climatology Project analyses (1979–2006). 22nd Conference on Climate Variability and Change