Prof. Dr. Herto Dwi Ariesyady, ST., MT.
Research Interests
Environmental Microbiology & Biotechnology, Environmental Health and Toxicology, Microbiological Waste Water Treatment, Water Quality Management, Environmental Management System.
Email : [at]tl.itb.ac.id
- Bachelor Degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
- Master Degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
- Doctoral Degree: Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
- Professional Environmental Engineer: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- Member of Board Directors of GEH LAB (Global Environmental Health Lab)
- Member of IATPI (Indonesian Society of Sanitary and Environmental Engineers)
- 2020 Climate Change Impacts on Hydrology Regime and Water Resources Sustainability in Cimanuk Watershed, West Java, Indonesia. International Journal 19 (71), 90-97
- 2020 The diversity of active microbial groups in an activated sludge process treating painting process wastewater. E3S Web of Conferences 148, 01002
- 2020 Chronic Effect Analysis of Mercury Exposure on Communities Around Small Scale Gold Mining in Indonesia Using Human Biomonitoring (HBM) Method. E3S Web of Conferences 148, 04001
- 2019 Chemical Composition And Sources Attribution Of Rainwater In Bandung Area, Indonesia. International Journal 17 (64), 131-138
- 2019 Water quality indices for rainwater quality assessment in Bandung urban region. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 669 (1), 012044
- 2019 Kinetics on Organic Removal by Aerobic Granular Sludge in Bubbled Airlift Continuous Reactor. Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 51 (5)
- 2018 Decrease in Microbial Diversity Along a Pollution Gradient in Citarum River Sediment. bioRxiv, 357111
- 2018 River water pollution condition in upper part of Brantas River and Bengawan Solo River. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 106 (1), 012059
- 2018 Acidic wet deposition in Bandung city Indonesia. MATEC Web of Conferences 147, 08007
- 2017 Preliminary study on aerobic granular biomass formation with aerobic continuous flow reactor. AIP Conference Proceedings 1823 (1), 020113
- 2017 Feasibility study for a virtuous material cycle in Indonesia-A cooperation between Tohoku University and the Institute of Technology Bandung. 14th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology.
- 2016 The Distribution of Microalgae in a Stabilization Pond System of a Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant in a Tropical Environment (Case Study: Bojongsoang Wastewater Treatment Plant). Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 48 (1)
- 2013 Analysis of Mercury in Water and Sediment Distribution and Its Bioaccumulation Potential in Fish in the Small Scale Gold Mining Area (Case Study: Ciberang River, Lebak, Banten). Journal of Water Sustainability 3 (2), 107-116
- 2012 Proceedings of The 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Global Environment “Toward a Sustainable ASEAN”. ISBN 978-602-17165-0-2
- 2013 Proceeding vol IV Topic 4.Water & Waste Engineering Management, Topic 8.Environmental protection & Management. The Analysis of Relationship of Physico-chemical Properties of Wastewater and the Microalgae Diversity and Abundance in Bojongsoang Wastewater Treatment Plant. SIBE 2013. ISBN 978-979-98278-4-5
- 2015 The 5th Environmental Technology and Management Conference Green Technology towards sustainable Environment 23-24 November 2015. Proceeding book. The Optimization Of Active Cultivated Bacterial Consortium Application In The Activated Sludge Process Of Painting Wastewater Treatment. ISBN 978-979-98278-5-2. ISBN 978-979-98278-5-2
- 2015 The 5th Environmental Technology and Management Conference Green Technology towards sustainable Environment 23-24 November 2015. Proceeding book. The Diversity Of Nitrogen Cycling Bacteria As A Bioindicator Of Domestic And Industrial Wastewater Pollution In The Sediment Of Upper Citarum River, West Java, Indonesia. ISBN ISBN 978-979-98278-5-2
- 2015 Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Lingkungan Kerja, Indah Rachmatiah Siti Salami. BAB 5. Kebisingan. ISBN :978-979-420-978-3
- 2015 Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Lingkungan Kerja, Indah Rachmatiah Siti Salami. BAB 8. Temperatur dan Tekanan Ekstrem. ISBN : 978-979-420-978-3
- 2017 Toksikologi Lingkungan. Juli Soemirat, Herto Ariesyady. ISBN : 978-979 -420-97 6-9
- 2016 The 12th International Symposium on Southeasst Asian Water Environment (SEAWE 12), Proceedings. Industrial Activities and Its Effects to River Water Quality (Case Study Citarum, Bengawan Solo and Brantas), An Evaluation for Java Island as an Economic Corridor in Master Plan of Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia Economic Development (MP3EI) 2001-2025
- 2019 Influence Of Intermitten Aeration In Aerobic Granular Formation Using Airlift Reactor With Continous Flow System. The 4th International Joint Meeting of Advanced Global Program (AGP) in Conjunction with Gifu University 70th Anniversary.
- 2011 Analysis of Hydrological Regime as Instrument Control Land Use Watershed (Case Study Cimanuk Watershed Upstream of West Java Province). Proceeding The 4th ETMC 2011 “Present and Future Challenges in Environmental Sustainability”. Environmental Technology and Management Conference. Bandung, Indonesia. ISBN 978-979-98278-3-8
- 2011 Chromium (VI) Biosorption by Immobilized Phytoplanktonic Consortium. Proceeding The 4th ETMC 2011 “Present and Future Challenges in Environmental Sustainability”. Environmental Technology and Management Conference. Bandung, Indonesia. ISBN 978-979-98278-3-8
- 2012 Microbial Source Tracking of Salmonella sp. and Escherichia coli by Antibiotic Resistance Analysis in Upper cltarum River, west Java, Indonesia. Southeast Asian Water Environment, November 8-10,2012 Hanoi, Vietnam
- 2012 Identification of Bacteria Communities that Play Role of Methane Oxidation inside Potential Landfill Cover Material (Biocover). The 7th Asian-Pacific Landfill Symposium October 8th – 11th, 2012, Bali, Indonesia. ISBN 978-602-18925-0-3
- 2011 Analisis Status Mutu Air Sungai Bagian Hulu Dalam Upaya Pengelolaan Waduk Berkelanjutan (Studi Kasus Sungai Cimanuk DAS Cimanuk Hulu). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hari Lingkungan Hidup 2011. Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan. ISBN 978-602-19161-0-0
- 2017 The Assessment Of Risk Factors Associated With Microbial Contaminants In Drinking Water Sources At The Oxbow Lake Of Citarum River Basin, Daraulun Village, Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia.