Dr. Ir. Mariana Marselina, ST., MT
Research Interests
Water Resource Management and Conservation, Water Quality
Email : [at]tl.itb.ac.id
- Bachelor Degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
- Master Degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
- Doctoral Degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
- Professional Environmental Engineer: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- Institution of Engineers Indonesia
- Indonesian Society of Sanitary and Environmental Engineers
- 2021 “Spatial and temporal assessment of surface water quality using water quality index The Saguling Reservoir, Indonesia”, Journal of Water and Land Development
- 2021 “A discharge estimation model using a spatial correlation method in Cipanunjang-Cileunca Reservoir, Bandung District, West Java Province”, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 716 (1), 012005
- 2021 “Analysis of Pollution Load Capacity Based on Wet, Normal And Dry Year’s Reservoir Operating Patterns in The Saguling Reservoir, Indonesia”, ASEAN Engineering Journal 11 (1), 1-12
- 2020 “The effect of land use changes to discharge extremities in Cimahi Watershed–Upper Citarum Watershed, West Java”, E3S Web of Conferences 148, 07002
- 2020 Lead and Mercury Bioaccumulation in the Fish of Floating Net Cage Fisheries”, EnvironmentAsia 13 (3)
- 2020 “Environmental and Health Risk Assessment (EHRA) Approaches in The Strategic Environmental Risk Assessment (SEA): A Metaanalysis”, Indonesian Journal of Urban and Environmental Technology 4 (1), 60-79
- 2020 “The conservation index as a control instrument of space utilisation in the Upper Cikapundung Watershed of Indonesia”, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology 10 (2), 148-166
- 2019 “The Reliability Study of Raw Water Sources in the Development of Potable Water Supply Systems in Indonesia”, International Journal 16 (54), 209-216
- 2018 “Management Optimization of Cipanunjang-Cileunca Reservoir in Bandung Regency Using Discrete Markov Methods”, Indonesian Journal of Urban and Environmental Technology 2 (1), 47-65
- 2018 “Phosphorus load concentration in tropical climates reservoir for each water quantity class”, Journal of Water and Land Development
- 2017 “Primary pollutant selection and determination of water quality index in class discharge division based on three class Markov model”, International Journal of Geomate 13 (38), 89-96
- 2017 “Trophic Status Assessment of Saguling Reservoir, Upper Citarum Basin, Indonesia”, Air, Soil and Water Research 10
- 2017 “Model Prakiraan Debit Air dalam Rangka Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Waduk Saguling–Kaskade Citarum”, Jurnal Purifikasi 17 (1)
- 2017 “Service area management towards integrated maintenance of saguling reservoir as the raw water in bandung metropolitan area, Indonesia”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12 (22), 12295-12304
- 2016 “Management Optimization of Saguling Reservoir with Bellman Dynamic Programming and “Du Couloir” Iterative Method”, Forum Geografi 30 (1), 14-23
- 2016 “Analysis of respirable particulate exposure and its effect to public health around lead smelter and e-waste processing industry in West Java, Indonesia”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 694 (1), 012071
- 2016 “Karakteristik Partikulat Udara Ambien dan Terespirasi di Sekitar Kawasan Industri Non Formal”, Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Nuklir Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology), Vol. 7, No. 1
- 2017 “Pre-Assessment: Health-associated cost of urban informal industrial sector”, Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies 2 (4), 71-80
- 2017 “‘Bad’piped water and other perceptual drivers of bottled water consumption in Indonesia”, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 4 (4), e1219