Dr. Ir. I Made Wahyu Widyarsana, ST., MT
Research Interests
Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Management and Technology, Disposal (Solid Waste)
Solid Waste Control & Technology, Solid Waste Management
Email : [at]tl.itb.ac.id
- S1 : Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- S2 : Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- S3 : Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
- Team Leader, Penyusunan DED TPA Sampah di beberapa Kab/Kota di Indonesia, Kementerian PUPR.
- Team Leader, Penyusunan Masterplan Persampahan di beberapa Kab/Kota di Indonesia, Kementerian PUPR.
- Indonesian Society of Sanitary and Environmental Engineers
- Solid waste management planning for sub-district scale: a case study in Buleleng sub-district, Buleleng district, Bali province, Indonesia (2021)
- Municipal Solid Waste Characteristics: Recycling Potential and Waste Diversion Rate in Bali Province, Indonesia (2021)
- Identification of electronic waste (e-waste) generation from the household and non-household sectors in Indonesia and its sustainable management system (2021)
Previous research activities
- Penyusunan Pra Desain Perencanaan Rehabilitasi dan Revitalisasi TPA Temesi (2020)