Prof. Dr. Ir. Puti Farida Marzuki
Research Interests
- Risk Management in Construction Industry
- Quality Management in Construction Industry
- Infrastructure Construction Project Delivery Methods
Email : [at]si.itb.ac.id
- 2012 – Temasek Foundation-NUS Programme for Leadership in University Management, Singapore.
- 1986 – Docteur Ingenieur, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees (ENPC), Paris, Perancis.
- 1984 – Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA), Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees (ENPC), Paris, Perancis.
- 1983 – Certificat d’Etudes Superieures (CES), Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l”Etat (ENTPE), Lyon, Perancis.
- 1979 – Sarjana Teknik Sipil, Institut Teknologi Bandung.
- Lencana Pengabdian 25 Tahun ITB
- Lencana Pengabdian 35 Tahun ITB, 2016
- Ganesha Wira Adi Utama , 2007
- Ganesha Wira Adi Utama, 2011
- Ganesha Wira Adiutama, 2015
- Penghargaan Bidang Pengembangan Institusi, Dies ITB ke 61, ITB, 2020
- Satyalencana Karya Satya X (10 Tahun), 1997
- Satyalencana Karya Satya XX (20 Tahun), 2007
- Satyalencana Karya Satya XXX (30 Tahun)
- (2015-2019) Senior Advisor to the Rector of ITB
- (2010-2015) Wakil Rektor Bidang Keuangan, Perencanaan, dan Pengembangan ITB
- (2006-2010) Sekretaris Steering Committee CKNet-INA
- (2006-2010) Dekan Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan ITB
- (2004-2005) Dekan Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan ITB
- (2001-2004) Pembantu Dekan II Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan ITB
- (1998-2000) Kepala Laboratorium Komputasi, Departemen Teknik Sipil ITB
- (1996-1998) Sekretaris Departemen Teknik Sipil ITB
Putri, K,N.R., Marzuki, P.F. (2020), Model of Land Acquisition Productivity Performance for Toll Road Projects in Indonesia, CIVENSE, Civil and Environmental Science Journal, Vol. III, No. 02, pp. 083-093, 2020.Marzuki, P., Oktavianus, A., Regina, A., Hasiholan, B., & Meifrinaldi, M. (2019). Interface Problems in Change Order-Challenged Projects. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries 24(2):1-22
Bukit, I.N.M, Marzuki, P.F., Tamin, R.Z., Meifrinaldi (2019), Stakeholders Interaction Framework of Utilities Development In and Adjacent to the Public Right of Way in Indonesia, The 2nd International Conference on Green Civil and Environmental Engineering, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 669 (2019) 012009, IOP Publishing, doi:19.1088/1757-899X/669/1/012009Puti
Marzuki, Adrianto Oktavianus, Almerinda Regina, 2018, “Interface Problem in Construction Project”, 20th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEMP) Paris, Confrence Proceedings, Paris France Jun 25-26, 2018, 20 (6) Part XXVI.
Widiasanti, I., Tamin, R.Z., Marzuki, P.F., Wiratmaja, I.I. (2018), Development of Civil Engineers’ Certification System Evaluation Model, 3rd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2018), IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 434 (2018) 012196, IOP Publishing, doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/434/1/012196.
Bukit, I.N.M, Marzuki, P.F., Tamin, R.Z., Meifrinaldi (2019), Stakeholders Interaction Framework of Utilities Development In and Adjacent to the Public Right of Way in Indonesia, The 2nd International Conference on Green Civil and Environmental Engineering, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 669 (2019) 012009, IOP Publishing, doi:19.1088/1757-899X/669/1/012009
Marzuki, P.F. and Tamin R.Z. (2017), Challenges of Design-Build Method Implementation in Public Works Project Delivery, in “Resilient Structures and Sustainable Construction”, Eds. Pellicer et al., ISBN: 978-0-9960437-4-8, Proceedings of the Ninth International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, Valencia, Spain, July 24-29, 2017.
Irika Widiasanti, Rizal Z Tamin, Puti Farida, Iwan Inrawan Wiratmaja, “Academic Input for the Management of Certification of Construction Engineer based on Decrees No. 11, 2014 on Engineering”, Proceeding The Third International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure and Built Environment SIBE 2017 Bandung, Indonesia – September 26th – 27th 2017