Andri Gumilar, ST, MT
Research Interests
Wastewater treatment; Bioprocess; Waste to energy; Chemical process
Email : [at]tl.itb.ac.id
- 2017-current: Institute of Technology Bandung, Doctor candidate in Environmental Engineering. The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 2016: Institute of Technology Bandung, Magister (MT.) in Environmental Engineering. The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 2013: Universitas Kebangsaan, Bachelor (ST) in Environmental Engineering. The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning
Previous Research:
- Pemanfaatan limbah cair industri kelapa sawit (POME) sebagai substrat pada produksi etanol dan hydrogen secara anaerob (waste to energy)
- Pengaruh pH dan keberadaan mikronutrien terhadap pembentukan etanol dan hydrogen melalui pengolahan limbah cair industri kelapa sawit (POME) secara anaerob
- Gumilar, A., Handajani, M., Syafila, M. (2015): Influence of N2 Flushing for the Ethanol Production from High Concentration of Organic Waste. The 5th Environmental Technology and Management Conference “Green Technology towards Sustaniable Environment”, 23-24 November 2015, Bandung. ISBN : 978-979-98278-5-2.
- Handajani, M., Syafila, M., Gumilar, A., Andrio, D. (2016): Effect of the Iron (II) and Zinc (II) Addition for the Ethanol Production from the Degradation of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (Pome) by Anaerobic Processes. Proceedings of International Seminar on Chemical Engineering in Conjunction with Seminar Teknik Kimia Soehadi Reksowardojo (STKSR) 2016, 27-28 Oktober, Bandung. ISSN:2353-5917, pp 595-601.
- Handajani, M., Gumilar, A., Syafila, M. (2017): Effect of Iron and Magnesium addition for ethanol production from the conversion of Palm Oil Mill Effluent by anaerobic processes. IOP Conferences Series: Earth and Environmental Science 106 (2017) 012111.
- Gumilar, A., Syafila, M., Handajani, M. (2017): Influence of the Metal Addition for Biohydrogen Production from the Conversion of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) by Anaerobic Process. Proceedings of International Conference on Construction and Building Engineering (ICONBUILD) 2017, 14-17 Agustus 2017, UNSRI, Palembang.
- Syafila, M., Gumilar, A., Handajani, M., Mecca, B. M., Puteri, T. W. (2017): Effect of Co, Zn and Mn metal towards ethanol formation in anaerobic process of palm oil mill effluent (POME). Proceedings of Sustainable Infrastructure and Built Environment (SIBE) 2017, 26-27 September 2017, ITB, Bandung.
- Gumilar, A., Syafila, M., Handajani, M., Angga, M.I. (2018): Biohydrogen as a renewable energy and its potential production from the conversion of palm oil mill effluent by anaerobic processes. IOP Proceedings, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES).
- Gumilar, A., Syafila, M., Handajani, M., Anggamulia, M.I., Hidayat, S. (2020): Wastewater processing technology opportunities for palm oil mill effluent as a raw material for renewable bioenergy. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, ITB (accepted).
- Gumilar, A., Syafila, M., Handajani, Hidayat, S. (2021): Improvement of ethanol production from the palm oil mill effluent wastewater treatment. Int. Conf. of Structure, Engineering and Environmental SEE (accepted).