Dr. Ahmad Soleh Setiyawan, ST., MT.
Research Interests
Domestic Wastewater, Wastewater Treatment, Sanitation & Fecal sludge, Environmental Water Quality Monitoring
Email : [at]tl.itb.ac.id
- 2020: Institute of Technology Bandung, Engineer in Environmental Engineering. The Study Program of Engineer Profession Program
- 2014: Gifu University Japan, Doctoral in Mechanical and Civil Engineering Division. The Faculty of Graduate School of Engineering
- 2010: Institute of Technology Bandung, Master in Environmental Engineering. The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- 2007: Institute of Technology Bandung, Bachelor in Environmental Engineering. The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Previous Research Activities
- The occurrence possibility of microplastics on the wastewater treatment plant, sponsored by Program Riset Unggulan ITB, 2021.
- Resilient Indonesian Slums Envisioned (RISE), sponsored by Riset Kemitraan Dasar BRIN and NWO, Netherlands – Indonesia, 2021-2023.
- Wastewater-Informed Early Warning System to minimize Impact of Covid-19 and Disease X, sponsored by Riset Kemitraan Dasar BRIN and E-asia, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, 2021-2023.
- Development of modified septic tank with attached media and disinfection unit as an alternative for onsite domestic wastewater treatment, sponsored by P2MI, KK RALC ITB, 2021.
- Optimization of the modified septic tank as an alternative of onsite domestic wastewater treatment facility for office buildings and specific area in Indonesia, sponsored by P3MI, KK RALC ITBB, 2020.
- Non-Sewer System, Global Sanitation Graduate School, PIAS, ITB – Ihe-delft, Netherlands (2019-2023)
- Evaluation of Performance of Modified Biofilter as an alternative for domestic wastewater treatment from office buildings and specific areas in Indonesia, Sponsored by P3MI, KK RALC ITB, 2018
- Evaluation of organic and nutrient removal on an onsite domestic wastewater treatment facility with anaerobic and aerobic processes, Sponsored by P3MI, KK RALC ITB, 2017
- Application of aeration process for improving of water quality receiving effluent from industrial wastewater in Majalya, Bandung, sponsored by Riset ITB, 2017.
- Performance testing of Johkasou and Biofilter as onsite domestic wastewater treatment facilities for office building in Indonesia, sponsored by JICA-ITB and supported by Gifu Prefectural Environment Management and Technology Centre, 2015.
- Setiyawan, A.S., Widodo, H.T., Putri, D.W., Zaelani, M. Location Criteria of Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant and Optimization of Service Coverage Using Geographic Information System (Case Study Bandung City). Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan, 27 (1), 18-31, 2021.
- T. Takeda; M. Kitajima; N. T. T. Huong; A. S. Setiyawan; T. Setiadi; D. T. Hung; E. Haramoto. Institutionalising wastewater surveillance systems to minimise the impact of COVID-19: cases of Indonesia, Japan and Viet Nam. Water Science & Technology, 83 (2): 251-256, 2021.
- Vandith, V, Setiyawan, A.S., Soewondo,P., Effect Of Recirculation Ratio On The Performance Of Modified Septic Tank In Treating Office Building Wastewater. E3S Web of Conferences, 148, 01001, 2020.
- Vandith, V, Setiyawan, A.S., Soewondo,P., The fluctuation of Domestic Wastewater Discharged from Office Building. International Journal of Geomate, 17 (59), 210-215, 2019.
- Vandith, V, Setiyawan, A.S., Soewondo,P., Putri, D.W. The characteristics of Domestic Wastewater from office buildings in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Indonesian Journal of Urban and Environmental Technology, 1 (2), 199-214, 2018.
- Vandith, V, Setiyawan, A.S., Soewondo,P., Boophann, P., Hardjono. Kinetics of Nutrient Removal in an On-site Domestic Wastewater Treatment Facility for Office Building, International Proceeding of MATEC, 147, 04004, 2018.
- Vandith, Va, Setiyawan, A.S., Soewondo, P. Kinetics of Organic Removal in Johkasou as an Onsite Domestic Wastewater Treatment System. International Proceeding of The Forth joint seminar of Japan and Indonesia: Environmental sustainability and disaster prevention, 2016.
- Fajri, J.A., Setiyawan, A.S., Yamada, T., Li, F. Distribution Of Fecal Indicator Bacteria In Sediment Of Local Open Channels Receiving Johkasou Effluent, Jurnal Sains & Teknologi Lingkungan 9 (2), 70-81, 2017.
- Setiyawan, A.S., Yamada, T., Fajri, J.A., Li, F. Seasonal Characteristics of Fecal Indicators in Water Environment Receiving Effluents of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Facilities. Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 70(7), III_331-III_340, 2014.
- Setiyawan, A.S., Yamada, T., Fajri, J.A., Li, F. Characteristics of Fecal Indicators in Channels of Johkasou Systems. Journal of Water Environment Technology, 12 (6), 469-480, 2014.
- Setiyawan, A.S., Yamada, T., Fajri, J.A., Helard D., Li, F., Horio, A., Huang, M., Kawaguchi, T. Spatial and Temporal Variation in Concentration of F-specific RNA Bacteriophages in an Open Channel Receiving Johkasou Effluents, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2013.
- Helard, D., Fajri, J.A., Setiyawan, A.S., Li, F., Yamada, T., Horio, A., Huang, M. Formation and Role of Microbial Community in the Sediment Bed of Open Channel Receiving Johkasou Effluent: Multivariate statistical analysis interpretation. Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 2012.