Ir. Made Suarjana, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Research Interests
Computer Aided Design; Earthquake Resistance Steel Structures
Computer-Aided Design, Earthquake, Steel Structure
Email : [at]si.itb.ac.id
- (S1) ITB, Bandung – Indonesia 1986
- (S2) The Lelan Stanford Junior University, Stanford – Amerika Serikat 1989
- (S3) The Lelan Stanford Junior University, Stanford – Amerika Serikat 1994
- Satya Lencana Karya Satya, 25 Tahun ITB
Ketua Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Sipil
- Suarjana, M., (2008) “Coupling of Finite Element and Boundary Element Methods for Structural Analysys of Shear Wall – Fame Building” Buku Kapita Selekta, Penerbit ITB, hal. 283-296
- Suarjana, M., Octora, D.D., Riyansyah, M., (2020) ”Seismic Performance of RC Hollow Rectangular Bridge Piers Retrofitted by Concrete Jacketing Considering the Initial Load and Interface Slip” Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences; Volume 52 No. 3, May 2020, pp 343-369, ISSN: 2337-5779, DOI:10.5614/j.eng.sci.2020.52.3.3
- Adibaskoro, T., Suarjana, M., (2019) ”Presstressed Concrete I-Girder Optimization via Genetic Algorithm” Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences; Volume 51 No. 2, February 2019, pp. 170-183, ISSN: 2337-5779, DOI:10.5614/j.eng.sci.2019.51.2.2
- Sengara, I.W., Suarjana, M., Yulman, M.A., Gashemi, H., Ryu, H. (2017) “Empirical Fatality Model for Indonesia Based on a Bayesian Approach” Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 441, 179-187, 24 April 2017Kusumastuti, D., Suarjana, M., Prasetyo, F.W., Rildova (2016) “Experimental Study of Confined Mansory Wall with Opening Under Cyclic Load”, Proceeding The Third International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Mitigation (3rd ICEEDM), August 1-2, Nusa Dua Bali, Indonesia
- Suarjana, M., Kusumastuti, D., Pribadi, K.S., Rildova, Lie, T.H. (2012) “Structural Analysis of Typical Confined Masonry Structure” Proceeding 15th WCEE, Lisbon, 24-28 September