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Ir. Edy Anto Soentoro G., MASc., Ph.D
Research Interests

Hydroinformatics, analysis of water resources systems, water resources engineering.


Email : [at]si.itb.ac.id

  • Bachelor Degree: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
  • Master Degree: The University of British, Columbia
  • Doctoral Degree: Doctoral Degree: Colorado State University, USA
  • Publications in MATEC Web of Conferences, Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, AIP Conference Proceedings, International Journal Of Geomate
  • Member of HATHI Jawa Barat
  • Arno Adi Kuntoro, Muhammad Cahyono & Edy Anto Soentoro ” Land Cover and Climate Change Impact on River
    Discharge: Case Study of Upper
    Citarum River Basin” . Eng. Technol. Sci., Vol. 50, No. 3, 2018, 364-381
  • Edy Anto Soentoro, Iman Muhardiono, Yadi Suryadi, “Optimization Model of  Land  Use  Planning  to  Reduce  Land  Erosion  Level:  Case  Study  in  the  Upper Ciujung River Basin“, Jurnal Teknik Sipil, Vol. 26 No. 3, Desember 2019
  • Edy Anto Soentoro, Nina Pebriana, “Fuzzy rule-based model to optimize outflow in single reservoir operation“, MATEC Web of Conferences 270, 04015 (2019),