Brief Description
TROCOZ International Virtual Course (IVC) program aims to broaden knowledge for students by experiencing international atmosphere with other multi-nationality students, as well as to increase International network of ITB in the future, especially for collaboration in education and research. The specific topics consist of Tropical Coastal Infrastructure, its issues and developments, utilities, energy potential, and environmental management in coastal zone. The IVC also includes the experience of real study case from the virtual tour to Pangandaran, one of the coastal areas in Indonesia. Furthermore, issues from study case will be deeply discussed in group discussion. The opportunity to share about participants’s different cultures from different region will also be accommodated during the event. This year, collaboration with ENabling Humanitarian Attributes for Nurturing Community-based Engineering (ENHANCE), by conducted several lectures and discussions related how humanitarian engineering implemented in engineering project and activities correlate with issues that comes up from Tropical Coastal Zone development, is ensured to enrich the knowledge of participants.
Host University
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Co-Host University
Faculty of Ocean Engineering Technology and Informatics
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
List of Activities
- Coastal Process – Dr. M. Bagus Adityawan (ITB)
- Ocean Energy – Alamsyah Kurniawan, PhD (ITB)
- Impact of Climate Change on Coastal – Dr. Arno Adi Kuntoro (ITB)
- Coastal Structures – Eddy R. Gandanegara, ST., MT (ITB)
- Water Pollution in Coastal Area – Dr. Mariana Marselina (ITB)
- Water Resources Development – Dr. M. Farid (ITB)
- Resilience Coastal WASH System – Dr. Dyah Wulandari Putri (ITB)
- Coastal Sanitation – Dr.Eng. Ahmad Soleh S., ST., MT (ITB)
- Environmental Impact Assessment – Dr Priana Sudjono (ITB)
- Integrated Coastal Zone – Dr. Nita Yuanita ( ITB)
- Marine Survey – Dr. Tanuspong Pokavanich (Kasetsart University, Thailand)
- Ocean Renewable Energy – Prof. Dr. Omar Yaakob (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
- Humanitarian Aspects in Engineering (Collaboration with ENHANCE)
- Virtual Tour – Narrative Video Pangandaran
- Presentation & Discussion on Disaster, Economic, Energy, Infrastructure, and Environmental Issues
- Cultural Group Performance
Date of Course
2-26 August 2021 (detail schedule to be annnounced)
Who could be a participant?
- Fourth Grade Bachelor Student
- Master Student
- Majoring in Science and Engineering Program
- International and Indonesian Students are welcome
The course is equivalent to KL5110 Coastal Morphology (3 credits) for graduate students or SA3113 Coastal & Lowland Protection and Restoration(3 credits) for undergraduate students. Each participant will get ITB official academic transcript
Program Cost: FREE for students (*limited seat)
Virtual Meeting Platform (to be announced later)
Registration is open until 26 July 2021
Please visit following link to apply for ITB International Virtual Courses :
Make sure to select course : Tropical Coastal Zone Development with ENHANCE (TROCOZ 2021)