Kelompok Keahlian
Rekayasa Transportasi
- Transportation Research Group at Faculty Civil and Environmental Engineering ITB is one of the leading centres for teaching and research in transportation engineering field. It was established at Institut Teknologi Bandung in 1978, and is currently located at CIBE Building 6th Floor. The group consists of 4 full professors, 4 associate professors, 6 assistant professors, 4 lecturers, and 1 administrative support staff.
- We have a wide-ranging research area to ensure a sustainable transport system for Indonesia and the world. The research agenda are particularly focused on the whole life cycle of transportation engineering, namely, policy development, system planning, design, operation-maintenance, and economic-evaluation. To guarantee our research in line with the practical and global needs, we established a strong collaboration with the government agencies (e.g., Public Works Ministry, Transportation Ministry etc), the reputable universities ( e.g., ITS of University Leeds UK, Kyoto University Japan, Hiroshima University Japan, etc.), and the private sectors (e.g., KCIC, PT. Jasa Marga, PT. Angkasa Pura, etc.).
- Integral to our research activities are our post-graduate programs (i.e., Master and Doctoral) in Transportation Engineering and Master Program in Highway Engineering that have been attracted over 50 full-time students each year.
- Please visit our homepage for further information:
Riset Unggulan
Excellence research
- Comparison Between Resilient Modulus And Dynamic Modulus of AC-BC Mixture Using RAP Material(PI: Prof. Ir. Bambang Sugeng Subagio, DEA)
- The Development of An Analytical Overlay Design Procedure Based on
- The Asphalt Institute’83 Method (PI: Ir. Djunaedi Kosasih, M.Sc, Ph.D)
Measuring the Capacity and Transaction Time of Cash and Electronic - Toll Collection Systems (PI: Prof. Ir. Rudy Hermawan Karsaman, M. Sc., Ph.D)
- Demand Forecast of Jakarta-Surabaya High Speed Rail Based on Stated Preference Method (PI: Prof. Ir. Harun Al Rasyid Sorah, M.Sc, Ph.D)
- Policy Evaluation of Multimodal Transportation Network, The Case of Inter Island Freight Transportation in Indonesia (PI: Prof. Ir. Ade Sjafruddin, M.Sc., Ph.D.)
- Walkability Measures for City Area in Indonesia – Case Study of Bandung(PI: Ir. R. Sony Sulaksono Wibowo, MT., Ph.D)
- The Effect of Speed Limit Violation on Motorcycle Crash Rate: Case Study Bandung National Road(PI: Dr. Aine Kusumawati, ST., MT)
- Gradation Effect Analysis on Split Mastic Asphalt (SMA) Mixtures Using ASBUTON as Additive for Airport Pavement(PI: Dr. Harmein Rahman, ST., MT)
- A Stochastic Discrete Optimization Model for Multimodal Freight Transportation Network Design(PI: Russ Bona Frazila, ST., MT., Ph.D)
- Predicting Bonding Condition Between Asphalt Pavement Layers from Measured and Computed Deflection using Layer Moduli Back Calculation (PI: Dr. Ir. Eri Susanto Hariyadi, MT)
- Gender And Households’ Vehicle Ownership and Usage Behavior In A Developing City(PI: Dr. Eng. Widyarini Weningtyas, ST., MT)
- Transportation Network Restoration after Disaster (PI: Dr. Eng. Febri Zukhruf)
- Resilient Modulus Characteristics of Soil Subgrade with Geopolymer Additive in Peat(PI: Ir. Nasuhi Zain, MT)
- Characteristics Buton Natural Asphalt-Rubber (BNA-R) on the Performance Improvement of Warm Mix Asphalt Using Natural Zeolite (PI: Ir. Nurul Wahjuningsih, MT)
- The Analysis of Overloaded Trucks in Indonesia Based on Weigh In Motion DataEast of Sumatera National Road Case Study (PI: Jongga Jihanny, ST., MT)
- Network Analysis of Intercity Bus Terminal and Inner-City Toll Road
- Development – The Case of Bandung City (PI: Kardina Nawassa Setyo Ayuningtyas, ST., MT)
Roadmap Kelompok Keahlian

Field of Interest

Staf Akademik
Prof. Dr. Ir. Rudy Hermawan Karsaman, M.Sc.
Research Interest
Expressway system, ITS Application

Prof. Ir. Harun Al Rasyid, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Research Interest
Regulation, Institution and Transport Policy

Dr. Ir. Idwan Santoso, M.Sc., DIC.
Research Interest
Transport Policy, and Big Data Analysis of Transport System

Kardina Nawassa Setyo Ayuningtyas, ST., MT.
Research Interest
Traffic Engineering and Road Safety

Gedung CIBE Lantai 6
Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung
Telp. 022-86010327