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Kunjungan Tamu dari Hiroshima University, Jepang

Pada hari Jumat, tanggal 9 Maret 2007 FTSL telah menerima tamu dari Hiroshima University, Jepang yang terdiri dari :

  1. Assoc. Prof. Nishida Keiya, Dept. of Mechanical System Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
  2. Assist. Prof. Hazama Ryuta,Dept. of Mechanical System Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
  3. Ms. Yamamoto Maho, Student Support Group (Graduate Student Sec.), Graduate School of Engineering.

Pertemuan tersebut telah diadakan di Ruang Rapat Senat FTSL-ITB mulai pukul 14:00 sampai selesai dan dihadiri antara lain oleh :

  • Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik, Dr. Ir. Saptahari Sugiri
  • Wakil Dekan Bidang Sumber Daya, Dr. Ir. Dwina Roosmini, MS
  • Ketua Prodi Sipil, Dr.Ir. Herlien D. Setio
  • Ketua Prodi Teknik Kelautan, Dr.Ir. Muslim, M.SoE.
  • Sekretaris Program Magister & Doktor Teknik Lingkungan, Ir. Indah Rachmatiah SS., M.Sc., Ph.D
  • Dr. Russ Bona Frazila, ST, MT (Staf pengajar & anggota KK Rekayasa Transportasi, Alumni Hiroshima University)

Adapun agenda acara pertemuan adalah :

  1. Penjelasan tentang FTSL-ITB oleh Dr.Ir. Saptahari Sugiri sebagai WDAK FTSL.
  2. Presentasi dari Hiroshima University :
  • Jumlah mahasiswa Indonesia di Hiroshima University
  • Scholarship : Fostering Program for Practical Researchers
    and Engineers Distinguished in Technology Transfer
  • Sistem Informasi
  • The statistics indicate that number of GSE Indonesian students decreases recently. Investigate the reason why.
  • Explain to ITB administrative people how GSE arranges facilities/scholarships to invite foreign students, for example, the special scholarship program for doctor course shown below : ”Fostering Program for Practical Researchers and Engineers Distinguished in Technology Transfer”
  • Explain the list of the professors of GSE who already have joint projects with ITB or have the similar research fields, etc. Discuss on possible joint researches and candidate students for the above scholarship.
  • Establish the GSE/BUAA information sharing system through the internet regarding the research information and scholarships etc., which GSE already introduced. Issue an account and a password in order for ITB to use the system.