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Publikasi Internasional

Abidin, H. Z., , Rochman Djaja, Dudy Darmawan and M. Gamal (2007). “Land subsidence characteristics of Jakarta between 1997 and 2005, as estimated using GPS surveys” GPS Solutions, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.
lihat di situs : http://www.springerlink.com/


Abidin, H. Z., Andreas, H., Gamal, M., Sadarviana, V., Darmawan, D., Surono, Hendrasto, M. & Suganda, O. K. (2007) Studying Landslide Displacements in the Ciloto Area (Indonesia) Using GPS Surveys, Journal of Spatial Science, Vol. 52, No. 1., Mapping Sciences Institute, Australia.

lihat di situs : http://www.mappingsciences.org.au

(sumber: SUPLEMEN, Berita Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, ITB, Edisi April 2007)